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St. Catherine of Siena - SOCCER

The St. Catherine of Siena ("SCS") Soccer Program is open to all Pre-K through 8th students at SCS. We offer the following programs every Fall (August-October) and Spring (March-May).

Pre-K and Kindergarten Saturday morning program.  This program runs intramural soccer practices and games on Saturday mornings at the SCS field. This is a parent driven program where parents help coach the teams.

1st - 8th Grade (U7-U14) CMSL (Catholic Metro Soccer League) teams have practices at SCS and play both home and away games with other CMSL parishes in Atlanta.  These teams are parent coached and the teams will usually have a weeknight practice and then a game on the weekend - either Saturday or Sunday.  Game schedules are released a week or two before the start of the season.  There is usually a tournament at the end of the season.  Format and league rules are available on the CMSL league page.

If you have specific questions or would like to find out more about registration or how to help the program please contact our director Marco Ortego at [email protected].

Registration Listing

SCS Spring 2025 Soccer

St. Catherine of Siena Spring 2025 Soccer Program 

The St. Catherine of Siena ("SCS") Soccer Program is run by volunteers of the SCS Athletic Ministry. The program is open to current Pre-K through 8th grade children. If you have any questions, please send a message to Marco Ortego [email protected].

  • U7 - U14 Registration begins January 1st and ends February 7th
  • Pre K and K (U6) Registration begins January 1st and ends February 16th

Grades 1st through 8th will participate in the Catholic Metro Atlanta Soccer League (CMSL) and compete against teams from other parishes and schools, including Christ the King, Holy Spirit, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of the Assumption, Pinecrest Academy, St. Brendan the Navigator, St. Brigid, St. John Neumann, St. Jude the Apostle, St. Peter Chanel and St. Thomas More. CMSL games may be home or away.

The Spring CMSL season for the U7-14 divisions will consist of 6 games beginning the weekend of March 8th and ending the weekend of May 3rd. Games will be on either Saturday or Sunday with some weekends, you might have 2 games. The U14 divisions will participate in a CMSL tournament the weekend of May 10th.

Please note that the current registrations for the U8 Girls and U12 boys divisions are WAITLIST ONLY as we are in the process of evaluating whether or not teams will be formed in these divisions. Games are 9 v 9. Therefore, there needs to be a minimum of 11 players registered in order to form a team. Please register your child for the waitlist so that we can determine if there is enough interest to form a team. Your credit card will NOT be charged until we determine the minimum number of participants has been achieved. If there are enough players to form a team, we will activate your child from the waitlist and you will be sent an email requesting immediate payment.

Please note: CMSL works in conjunction with the Catholic Metro Volleyball League, so no (5th/6th grade) or (7th/8th grade) girls volleyball games will be scheduled during soccer games. 

Season Dates for U7 - U14
  • Week 1 Games - March 8th
  • Week 2 Games - March 15th
  • Week 3 Games - March 22nd
  • Week 4 Games - March 29th
  • Spring Break April 4th - April 13th (No games)
  • Easter Weekend April 18th - 20th (No games)
  • Week 5 Games - April 26th
  • Week 6 Games - May 3rd
  • U14 ONLY Tournament - May 10th/11th

Registration Cost:
  • U7 and U8 Registration is $125
  • U10, U12, U14 Registration is $150

U8/2nd grade Girls Mandatory Uniform Fee: All U8 girls will be required to purchase a uniform kit (includes jersey, shorts and socks) for $30 as we are transitioning to the SCS CMSL uniform kit which can be reused for future seasons.

Uniform Fee (if needed) - $30. Returning (1st-8th) players will reuse the uniforms from last season but have the opportunity during registration to purchase a new uniform kit (includes jersey, shorts and socks). New registrants will need to purchase a uniform kit. Please note that if you order your child's uniform AFTER the closing date there is no guarantee you will receive either the size requested or the uniform before the start of the season.

For additional information concerning the CMSL for U7-U14 divisions, please visit  CMSL Information Link.

The Pre-K and Kindergarten (U6) SCS soccer program is an intramural program in which teams will play other teams from the SCS league with all games to be played on the SCS fields. All divisions will be divided by grades but will be Co-ed. If we have enough numbers in the divisions for both girls and boys, we will split by gender. Teams will be divided by the SCS committee based on skill level to equalize the teams.

Season Dates for Pre-K and U6/K
  • Week 1 Session - March 15th
  • Week 2 Session - March 22nd
  • Week 3 Session - March 29th
  • Spring Break April 4th - April 13th (No sessions)
  • Easter Weekend April 18th - 20th (No sessions)
  • Week 4 Session - April 26th
  • Week 5 Session - May 3rd
  • Week 6 Session - May 10th

The SCS Pre-K and Kindergarten (U6) leagues will be organized as follows:
SCS Pre-K/ Kiddie Kickers Coed Saturday Program
  • 8:30am - 9:30am Practices and Games combined on SCS field
  • Registration Cost: $115 (includes a t-shirt)

SCS U6/Kindergarten Coed Saturday Program
  • 9:30am - 10:30am Practices and Games combined on SCS field
  • Registration Cost: $115 (includes a t-shirt)

Please note the following refund processes for cancellations after registration:
For the Pre-K and U6 programs - a $15 refund fee will be charged for cancellations before the registration closing date of 2/16; a $25 refund fee will be charged for cancellations between 2/17 and 3/14; and no refunds will be allowed after 3/14

For the U7 and U8 programs - a $15 refund fee will be charged for cancellations before the registration closing date of 2/07; a $30 refund fee will be charged for cancellations between 2/08 and 3/07; and no refunds will be allowed after 3/07

For the U10, U12, U14 programs - a $15 refund fee will be charged for cancellations before the registration closing date of 2/07; a $35 refund fee will be charged for cancellations between 2/08 and 3/07 and no refunds will be allowed after 3/07

Uniform Refund Policy: You will receive a refund for a purchased uniform if you cancel your child's registration before the registration closing date of 2/07. However, after 2/07 there will be NO refunds for uniforms purchased.

SCS/PreK - Kiddie Kickers Coed

Registration closes on 02/16/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 03/15/2025 to 05/11/2025

SCS/U6 - Kindergarten Coed

Registration closes on 02/16/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 03/15/2025 to 05/11/2025

SCS 1st-8th Grade Soccer Uniform

Registration Seasons

Registration listings will show up above.  If you do not see your program it may not be open.
Fall Soccer Registration runs usually from 7/1 - 8/15
Spring Soccer Registration runs usually from 1/1-2/15


Catholic Metro Sports of Atlanta
1350 Hearst Dr NE 
 Georgia 30319

Phone: 404-465-4355
Email: [email protected]

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