Saturday, February 08, 2025



TO AREA TOWN PLAYING FIELDS (Alphabetical by Town)

Allow 30 minutes drive time. Rt. 67 North from Southbury. Follow through Roxbury and turn left onto Rt. 133. Turn left at 4-way stop sign onto Clapboard Road, then right onto Hut Hill Road. Watch for a pavillion on the right. Turn right at Pavillion, field is on the right.

Brookfield Cadigan Field #1
I-84 west to exit 7. Travel north on route 7. Take first exit. At end of ramp go left. At the traffic light at the intersection of Candlewood Lake Road and Federal Road, go straight. Travel about 3 miles on Candlewood Lake Road. Go past flashing yellow light. Go past "Down The Hatch Lounge". At the next traffic light turn right into parking lot. The Cadigan Fields are just beyond the parking lot.

Brookfield Field - Ptak/Horse Field
Allow 30 minutes drive time. Take I-84 west towards Danbury and get off exit 9, Make a right at the bottom of the exit onto Rt 25. Stay on Rt 25 for 3-4 miles until you come to a light. Go straight thru the first light and take a left at the second light onto Silvermine road. Go straight until you get to a stop sign. Then make a left onto Pocono Rd. Proceed until the second driveway on the right for Brookfield Town Hall. Make a right onto the driveway and follow past Town Hall, Past a Creative Playground to the soccer fields.

Bunker Hill / Schoefield Park, Bunker Hill Ave, Waterbury see Waterbury, Bunker Hill below.

Danbury, Kenosia Park
Kenosia Soccer Fields - 28 Christopher Columbus Ave, Danbury, CT 06811
Allow 35 minutes driving time. I-84 West to Exit 4, Lake Ave. Turn right at end of ramp onto Mill Plain Road. Follow approx 1.5 miles (pass Western CT St College and Stop & Shop) and turn left at light at 7-11 onto Kenosia Avenue.  Take first right onto Christopher Columbus Avenue.  Fields are on laft hand side.

Litchfield High School / Intermediate School
Allow 30 minutes minimum driving time.  Follow Route 63 North from Middlebury all the way to Litchfield and the intersection with Route 202. Turn left onto Route 202 West. After approximately 1 mile, watch for Stop & Shop on the left. At light just past the S&S, turn left onto Constitution Way (opposite Martin Street). First right onto Plumb Hill. LHS is on the right. Intermediate School is up the hill on the left. Both have soccer fields.

Middlebury, Ledgewood Park
GPS Locator 600 Middlebury Road (Dinova's Grocery Store right next to park)
Take I-84 west to exit 17.  At end of ramp go straight.  Go through three traffic lights and the field will be on your right after the third light.  Or take I-84 East to exit 16.  At end of ramp turn right onto Route 188.  Follow that and stay straight on Route 64 (do not turn right to stay on Route 188).  Ledgewood Park is about 4 miles on the left. 

Middlebury, Meadowview Park
Take I-84 east to Exit 16.  At end of ramp turn right onto Route 188.  Continue straight and Meadowview Park is on the left about 2-3 miles (approx) up the road.  If coming from the east, take I-84 West to exit 17.  Go straight on Route 64.  Route 64 will merge with Route 188 after a few miles.  Continue straight on Route 188 and the park is on your right immediately after the traffic light where Route 64 splits off to the right.

New Fairfield High School
Allow 40 minute minimum driving time
I-84 West to Exit 6 in Danbury. Turn right at end of exit. Follow Route 37 North approximately 4 miles to the center of New Fairfield and the intersection with Route 39. Turn left onto Route 39 South / Bush Hill Rd. Bear left at the top of the hill (where you see a school) onto Gillotti Rd. Look for sign "New Fairfield Schools" Follow Gillotti Rd. approx. 1 mile. H.S. is on the right, field is at the far end of the school.

New Hartford, Brown's Corner
Allow 45 minutes. I-84 East to Route 8 North in Waterbury. Route 8 north to Exit 44 (Torrington). Turn right at bottom of exit onto Route 202 east.   Follow Route 202 east for approx. 7.5 miles. Watch on the left for Steele Road and a wooden sign for Brown's Corner. Turn left onto Steele Road. Field (and park) is about 200 yards ahead on the right.

New Milford, Carlson's Grove
Allow 30 minutes driving time. Don't take Route 7 north from Brookfield or Danbury or you'll need another 1/2 hour!
Take Route 67 North from Southbury. Follow through Roxbury and all the way into New Milford. At the intersection with Route 202, bear right and stay on Route 202 North.   Follow approx. 5 miles. Watch for a cemetery on your right (after 5 miles, not the cemetery in town). Just past the cemetery, turn right onto Wheaton Road.
Carlson's Grove is on the immediate right.

New Milford, John Pettibone School
Allow 40 minutes driving time. Don't take Route 7 north from Brookfield or Danbury or you'll need another 1/2 hour!
Take Route 67 North from Southbury. Follow through Roxbury and all the way into New Milford. At the intersection with Route 202 bear left and drive across the center of town, past the green with the tank and across the silver bridge to Route 7. Bear left onto Route 7 south. Follow Route 7 for approx. 3/4 mile to the second light at the Citgo Station. Turn left onto Pickett District Road. The school is on your right. Take the third driveway on the right, drive acroos the grass and park alongside the field.

New Preston, Montessori School (Shepaug)
Allow 40 minutes driving time. Don't take Route 7 north from Brookfield or Danbury or you'll need another 1/2 hour!
Take Route 67 North from Southbury. Follow through Roxbury and all the way into New Milford. At the intersection with Route 202, bear right and stay on Route 202 North.   Follow approx. 7 miles to Route 45. Go up steep hill 1/4 mile into New Preston and turn left onto New Preston Hill Road. Approx 100 yards up, turn left onto Church Street. Field is on the right.

Newtown, Fairfield Hills
Take I-84 west to exit 11. At the end of the long ramp turn left onto Mile Hill Road. Travel up hill just under a mile to the first traffic light. Make left at light. You will see the field on the left.

Newtown, Treadwell Park Field
(Treadwell A, Treadwell B)
I-84 West to Exit 10, then left at end of ramp onto Church Hill Road or I-84 East to Exit 10, then right at end of ramp onto Church Hill Road. After making the turn onto Church Hill Road, follow Church Hill Rd. to the bottom of the hill. Continue straight ahead at light onto Riverside Road. Follow Riverside Road 0.8 mile, then turn right onto Philo Curtis Road. Park is 0.3 mile on right.




Sharon, Veteran's Field
Plan 1 hour drive time.
Rt. 63 North to Goshen, Rt. 4 west to Sharon. At intersection of Routes 41 and 341, turn right onto Route 41. Go 1 block to stop sign and turn left onto West Main Street. Fields are about 1 1/2 mile down on the left and through a crossroad.(you will pass Sharon Hospital).
Alternate #1: Take Route 7 North to Route 4 in Cornwall. Go left onto Route 4 West to Sharon. At intersection of Routes 41 and 341, turn right onto Route 41. Go 1 block to stop sign and turn left onto West Main Street. Fields are about 1 1/2 mile down on the left and through a crossroad.(you will pass Sharon Hospital) 
Alternate #2: Take Route 22 North (New York) until Amenia. Take 341 East to Sharon.  At intersection of Routes 41 and 341, turn left onto Route 41. Go 1 block to stop sign and turn left onto West Main Street. Fields are about 1 1/2 mile down (you will pass Sharon Hospital on right) pass through crossroad, fields are on the left.

Shepaug High School
Allow 35 minutes drive time. 
Take Rt 64 down to Woodbury, and take a Right onto Rt 6. Follow Rt 6 until the juction with Rt 47. Go Left onto Rt 47 and follow until NICHOLS HILL RD. It’s a few miles. Follow Nichols Hill Rd until South St. Left onto South Street. School is ahead on Right. Field is hidden way in back beyond the Tennis Courts

Sherman, Veterans Park
Allow 45 minutes minimum driving time
Take Rt 67 North from Southbury to New Milford. As you enter New Milford, bear left at the intersection with Rt 202 (not taking Rt 202). Drive through the center of NM, past the green, and down across the silver bridge to Rt 7. Take Rt 7 North approx. 3 miles to Rt 37. Turn left onto Rt 37. Follow approx 2 miles, and watch for where Rt 39 joins Rt 37. Stay on Rt 37. Just past the Rt 39 intersection watch for a left hand turn, Saw Mill Road. Veteran’s Park is just down that road behind the school you passed on the way in. If you reach where Routes 37 and 39 split again, you missed Saw Mill Road.

Terryville - Fischer School
Allow 40-45 minutes drive time. Take I84 east towards Waterbury and get on Rt.8 North. Get off Exit 39. At bottom of exit take a right and continue through the center of Plymouth and into the center of Terryville. After Terryville center you will see a white church on right followed by some small stores and then you will come to a light. Make a left at the light onto North Main Street. You will pass the High School on the left and then a cemetery on the left. Right after the cemetery on your left there will be a one way driveway going into Fischer School. Follow up to the school and the soccer field is behind the school.

Thomaston, Nystrom's Field
Allow 30 minutes. I-84 east to Route 8 north in Waterbury. Route 8 north to Exit 38. Left at stop sign at end of exit ramp, go under the highway and turn left at light onto Route 6/Route 109. Follow to stop sign. Left onto Route 6 then immediate right onto Route 109. Follow Route 109 approx 1 1/4 miles then turn right onto Old Northfield Road. Follow approx. 1/4 mile and take the first left onto Babbitt Road. Follow approx 3/4 mile to 4-way stop sign. Proceed straight, field is on the left after you pass the stop sign.

Torrington, Bishop Donnelly Field
Take Route 84 east to Route 8 North. Follow Route 8 north to exit 45. Turn right at end of exit ramp. Go one mile to a 4-way intersection with traffic light. Make a left onto Torringford West Street. Travel past the East Wood Country Club on the left side. Torringford road becomes West Pearl Road past that point. Go to the end of West Pearl Road. Take a left and then a quick right onto East Pearl Road. The field is 100 feet on the right

Waterbury, Buck's Hill Park (Montoe Road)
Take 84 East to Exit 20 / Rt.8 North. Rt. 8 North to Exit 36 - Huntingdon Avenue/Colonial Avenue. Go right at the light at the end of the exit. Go straight through 4 lights. At the next light (look for Bradlees sign, immediately after Webster Bank sign), go left. Go straight a few hundred feet (past post office on left and Bradlee's building on the right). At the stop sign, go right onto Perkins Avenue to the end of the street. At the stop sign, go left onto North Main Street. Follow North Main Street for .8 mile (Note: after .4 mile North Main veers off to right and Buck's Hill Road veers off to left - stay on North Main). Take a right onto Montoe Road and the next right into the parking lot. The soccer field is on the left side of the parking lot.

Waterbury, Bunker Hill / Schoefield Park, Bunker Hill Ave
Allow 15 minutes drive time. I-84 East to Route 8 North, stay left !! Take first exit, Exit 35 (Rt. 73 Oakville) At light, turn left onto Aurora St. Go through next light, continue to stop sign at Bunker Hill Ave. Turn right onto Bunker Hill. Schoefield Park is on the left, less than 100 yards. Park your car on the street.

Waterbury, West Side Middle School
Allow 15 minutes drive time. I84 East to exit 18, turn left onto Chase Parkway. Follow approx. 200 yards and look for sign saying West Side M.S., turn right into school, field is in the back.

Watertown, Veterans Park
Allow 20 minutes drive time. Take Main Street towards Woodbury and continue straight on RT6 thru Woodbury and into Watertown. Once in Watertown you will pass Taft school on your left and then come to a light at the intersection of Route 63. Go straight through the intersection staying on Route 6. In a short distance there will be fork in road where Rt.6 curves to the left and Nova Scotia Hill Road is straight ahead. Get onto Nova Scotia Hill Road and follow to the top of the hill where there is a stop sign. Go straight thru the intersection and Veterans Park is 1/4 mile on the right.

Watertown, Unico Fields
From Route 63 South Bear left at intersection onto Route 73 South (Carvel is in middle of fork in road) From Route 63 NorthTurn right onto Route 73 South.  Watch out for the driveway between the gas station and the greenhouses, and follow it down to the parking lot.
Field 1 is the field closest to the parking lot.
Field 2 is the center field.
Field 3 is the furthest from the parking lot.

Wolcott, Alcott School
Allow 30 minutes drive time. I84 East to Exit 24, Route 69 North.   Follow Route 69 North approx 7 miles into Wolcott. Take a sharp right onto Woodtick Road when you see package store on right. The turn is before the store and easily missed. School is approx 3/4 mile down Woodtick Road on the left.

Wolcott, Tyrell Middle School
East I-84 ,Exit25A Turn left onto Austin Rd .2 miles, turn left onto East Main ST. .3miles, turn Right onto Pierpont Rd .8 miles, turn right onto Meriden Rd .2 miles, turn left onto Todd Rd .2 miles end at 500 Todd rd.

Woodbury, Hollow Park
Allow 15 minutes drive time. Take Route 64 (Ben Sherman Hill Road) from Middlebury into Woodbury.  At end, turn right onto Route 6 North.  Turn left onto Route 317.  Hollow Park is on the left.

Woodbury, Mitchell Elementary School
Allow 15 minutes drive time. Route 6 North from Southbury all the way into the center of Woodbury. Watch for Route 317 on the left. Less than 1/2 mile past Route 317, turn left onto School Street and a quick right onto Washington Ave.   Mitchell Elementary is immediately on the right, the field is in the back.


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