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Registration Listing


Welcome to North Salem Cal Ripken Baseball.

Here is where you start the Ripken experience, advancing your skills on and off the field.

We offer multiple age divisions to cover the youth baseball spectrum from ages 2 years old to 15 years old. 

Your player(s) will learn basic baseball skills to advanced position specific how to's. They will learn base running, leading off and stealing. Directional ball placement  Bunting etc.

Infield mechanics, fielding ground balls, foot placement and form. Pop Fly positioning driving through the ball, Situational plays and proper execution etc.

Outfield mechanics, fielding ground balls, crow hop and arm strength, Pop Fly positioning driving through the ball, lining up with cut-offs and Situational plays.

Batting mechanics, Learn proper form while swinging on fastball, off speed and directional pitches. Direction placement and situational bunting etc.

Base running, You will learn proper stance, leading off and stealing. How to read the hit and watching pitchers for pick off moves.

Babe Ruth Baseball Jr - Ages 13-15 Founded in 1951, Babe Ruth Baseball League was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wished to continue their baseball playing experience beyond the age of 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90' diamonds under Official Baseball Rules used by Major League Baseball. In this division, teams are eligible to enter tournament competition and move along the tournament trail, culminating in a World Series. Three World Series are held in this division: one for 13 Year-Old players, one for 13 and 14 Year-Old Players, and the renowned 13-15 World Series.

Major - Ages 11-12-The most experienced level of Cal Ripken Baseball, recommended for 11 and 12 year old players. Cal Ripken Baseball is played under the Official Baseball Rules, but implements some special rules as necessary for the development and welfare of this young age group. Under the Major Division. Special base running rules are also in effect. This division is offered as an option to the major division format, and includes a tournament trail from District competition through the World Series. Games consist of six innings. In order to encourage the league to train more pitchers, there are rules that set the maximum number of innings a pitcher may pitch in a calendar week.

Minor - Ages 9-10 .Recommended for ballplayers ages 9-10. Players build and refine their fundamental skills while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. In most regions, participants first experience post-season tournament competition in this level, leading to the 10 Year-Old World Series.

Rookie - Ages 7-8    Designed primarily for ballplayers ages 7-8, this division makes use of a pitching machine to allow for more hit able balls at the plate and more action in the field. Fear of actually being hit by a pitched ball is diminished. It makes the game safer and improves the playing confidence and ability of all participants.

T-Ball - Ages 4-6    Ballplayers ages 4-6 learn hitting and fielding fundamentals in a supportive team environment. Young athletes hit the ball from a batting tee which is height-adjusted for a level swing, batting in order through the line-up for the entire game. The primary goal is to begin to instruct young players in the fundamentals of baseball in a supportive team environment.

*The Foundation - Ages 2-4   This is for the little ones ages 2-4 who will learn the very basics of the game. This will be a great introduction to the game of baseball and to help improve batting skills, motor skills and hand eye coordination. We will make baseball fun for beginning athletes who will be using plastic baseballs and bats while hitting off an adjustable tee.


Babe Ruth Jr 13-15

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025

Major 11-12

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025

Minor 9-10

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025

Rookie 7-8

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025

T Ball 4-6

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025

The Foundation 2-4

Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/31/2025 to 06/14/2025


North Salem Cal Ripken

2305 Commercial St NE 
Salem, Oregon 97301

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 503-383-9831

Contact Us

North Salem Cal Ripken

2305 Commercial St NE 
Salem, Oregon 97301

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 503-383-9831

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