About Us

Welcome to the Youth Organization of Grand Isle Little League! YOGI is open for all South Hero, Grand Isle, North Hero, & Isle LaMotte residents or if you child goes to school within in one of the towns listed.

Tee-Ball = 4 - 7 years of age (Pre-school & kindergarten)
Coach Pitch = 6 - 8 years of age (Grade 1 and 2)
Minors Baseball - 8-10 years of age (Grade 3 and 4)
Majors Baseball  = 10-12 years (Grade 5 and 6)
Minors Softball = 8-10 years of age (Grade 3 and 4)
Majors Softball  = 10-12 years (Grade 5 and 6)

We are a volunteer run organization. If you would like to volunteer, become a sponsor or make a donation please email us.

Local Sponsors