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Effective Date 04/01/2022


1.         To coach and teach the fundamentals of cheerleading to the youth of our community.

2.         To establish the organization’s foundation of teamwork, commitment, and good sportsmanship.

3.         Maintain a positive, but competitive environment.

4.         Promote community and service.

Mission Statement

“The mission of Warwick Youth Cheerleading is to inspire the youth of our community to practice the ideals of health, citizenship, spirit and character. We strive to teach the value of personal qualities such as: determination; persistence; tenacity; discipline; honor; and respect. We will promote the concept of placing the team before the individual, while stressing good sportsmanship, fair play, and fellowship. Additionally, we will encourage the participants to set goals and work hard to achieve those goals and impress upon them that achievement requires effort. These are some of life’s lessons that participation in sports offer the youth in our community. These lessons, we believe, will benefit the participants throughout their childhood and long after they have left our program.”

WYC is committed to building with our community families, businesses, and other organizations to create successful partnerships that we are equally supported throughout the life of our program.

ARTICLE I (Organization)

Section 1: This organization is a not-for-profit organization, Warwick Youth Cheerleading. 

Section 2Henceforth the Warwick Youth Cheerleading (WYC) implies all parts of the organization and consists of cheering and cheerleading as one organization.   

Section 3:  The mailing address shall be PO BOX 38 Lititz, PA  17543.

ARTICLE II (Membership)

Section 1: The membership of the organization shall be composed of all youth within the community participating in the sport of cheerleading who are not rostered on either the Junior High or the Varsity cheer squads at Warwick School District.

Section 2: The organization’s membership shall consist of any adults who are interested in our pre-stated purpose. Those members include all coaches and board members who provide their services on a pro-bono basis.

ARTICLE III (Board of Directors)

Section 1: The officers of this organization shall consist of a director and co-director.

Section 2: The board of directors shall consist of at least 5 voting members, which include the above-mentioned officers, plus a fundraising coordinator, competition coordinator, secretary, equipment coordinator, treasurer and/or concessions coordinator.  

Section 3: Prior to holding the position of director, an individual shall have held some voting position on the WYC board for at least one season. Should no current board member be willing to serve in this capacity, the board reserves the right to nominate and elect an at large member from the community.

Section 4: The director, co-director, and treasurer shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year and may succeed themselves. The board of directors shall elect individuals to fill unexpired terms for the remainder of that term.

Section 5: All board members are voted in at the annual meeting. Any member of the organization may submit nominations for board membership. All nominations shall be approved by the board of directors and shall have a majority vote from a board quorum to obtain acceptance. In the event of a resignation the board shall attempt to fill the vacancy at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Nominations shall be opened annually at the November meeting and remain open until all positions are filled. Interviews and elections are conducted at the annual meeting in December or the next meeting after once a nomination has been received. If a position is left unfilled, a member can be voted in at any duration of the season.

Section 6: Any board member missing more than two of the regularly scheduled meetings annually may be dropped from the board. An absence will be excused if a non-board member is sent as a representative. The representative, however, will not have voting privileges, unless voting privileges are assigned by proxy in writing ahead of time. The representative will be allowed to vote on pre-established issues only. The Board member will submit in writing his/her vote on each issue. A board member serving on both the youth football and youth cheer board (i.e.: treasurer for 2022, will not have voting privileges on the cheer board while remaining active on both the youth football and youth cheer board).

Section 7: An attending quorum shall be necessary to legitimate a vote on any subject. A quorum shall be defined as being two-thirds of the approved board of directors. A minimum of 5 votes must be counted and called for to mark a motion as passed.

Section 8: Any board member may be removed from their position on the board for just cause by a majority vote of the board.  Just cause may include engaging in criminal activity, fighting or tumultuous behavior at a WYC organization event, conduct detrimental to the organization or the welfare of children, violating the parent code of conduct or coaches code of ethics or where the board of directors determines that the member is not acting in the best interest of the organization.

Section 9: Once a board member has been permanently removed from their duties, they may not return to the organization in any capacity for a period of no less than 2 years if at all, whatsoever.

ARTICLE IV (Meetings)

Section 1: The annual meeting of this organization shall be held in February, for the purpose of electing officers, board members starting in February 2023. Community will be welcomed to the annual meeting each year it’s held – either virtually or in person. **amended December 2022. 

Section 2: The regular meetings of this organization shall be held pursuant to a schedule to be presented by the director, subject to approval of the board of directors and at such times as decided by the board.

Section 3: Emergency board meetings may be called by the director, when necessary, with all board members to be contacted no less than two days prior to the meeting. A board quorum must be present to act. If immediate action must be taken, the director or designate may take temporary action until the board approval can be obtained.

Section 4: The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31 effective January 1st, 2023.

ARTICLE V (Voting Rights)

Section 1: Each member of the board of directors has a vote on all organization matters. Any board member may request a vote by secret ballot at any time.

Section 2: A member can only occupy one voting position on the board of directors.

Section 3: Voting and/or elections will be closed to any non-board member. However, non-board members may participate in any discussion created by a motion if requested by the board.

Section 4: A majority vote in favor of any motion must be achieved for that motion to be passed.

Section 5: A board member serving on both the youth football and youth cheer board (i.e.: treasurer for 2022, will not have voting privileges on the cheer board while remaining active on both the youth football and youth cheer board).

ARTICLE VI (Coaches)

Section 1: Under no circumstances shall any section or parts of sections under this article be waived or disregarded.

Section 2: The head coaches’ position shall be a voluntary position occupied by a person whose goals and objectives are consistent with the purpose of this organization. These positions shall consist of any combo of the following - B, C, D and Pixie squad coaches in cheerleading as well as the Lititz Twisters division.

Section 3: If at any time during the season a head coach would vacate their position, the board of directors shall immediately, considering the recommendation of that coach, select and appoint a temporary head coach for the remainder of the current season.

Section 4: If at any time the board of directors determines that a coach is not acting in the best interest of the organization, the board can by majority vote have that coach removed from his/her position.

Section 5: Once a coach or an assistant coach has been permanently removed from their duties, they may not return to the organization in any capacity whatsoever.

Section 6: All head coaches must be trained as determined by the board of directors.

Section 7All Board Members, Coaches and Team Parents are required to undergo a PA state criminal background check and a child abuse background check.

1.      Returning board members must complete these every five (5) years, provided the results of past checks are current in the Criminal/Child Abuse background data base maintained by Warwick Regional Recreation Commission (WRRC).

2.      The following are required to undergo the FBI background check (National Data Base) - Any board member who has resided outside of PA during the past ten (10) years.

NOTE: Child abuse results are mailed directly to the subject of the inquiry. This report must be returned for reviewed by the director or co-director before the subject may participate in any activities which involve direct interaction with children. All background check information will remain confidential, will become the property of and stay in the possession of the Warwick Youth Cheerleading Association.  Records shall be maintained for 5 years after which time they may be destroyed.

ARTICLE VII (Board Responsibilities)

Board Member Responsibilities:

Director and Co-Director

·       Manage cheerleader registrations.

·       Ensure all cheerleading coaches are aware of league and sport level rules.

·       Assign cheerleaders to teams.

·       Order, distribute and collect all cheerleading equipment.

·       Solicit and secure coaches for each team.

·       Locate and assign Team Parents to squads.

·       Supervise and coordinate all cheerleading squads and coaches.

·       Work to ensure that coaches and team parents are abiding by WYC rules.

·       Distribute/maintain/collect registration, code of conduct, team rosters and other pertinent data needed as per WYC cheering. Enter current data base.

·       Order, distribute and maintain cheering merchandise.

·       Work together to plan and execute exhibitions.

·       Signatory authority on all organization bank accounts along with the treasurer. Refer to Article XII section 2 for exceptions.

·       Perform any other duties as necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the organization.


·             Capture & report all minutes of board meetings.

·             Maintain the by-laws.

·             Maintain and distribute league contact information, phone numbers, email addresses etc.

·             Notify all board members of all meeting dates.

·             Maintain an up-to-date e-mailing list, and all other necessary contact information for coaches and athletes. This should include medical information sheets for all current athletes.

·             Maintain clearances of board members, coaches and team parents.

·             Send out league wide notifications of events, notices, etc.


·       Maintain all financial and insurance records and report on same at all league meetings.

·       Receive and distribute all monies.

·       Present treasurer’s report at all officer meetings.

·       Supervise game collections.

·       Conduct annual financial budgeting. 

·       Signatory authority on all organization bank accounts along with the treasurer, Co-Director and Director of Cheer. Refer to Article XII section 2 for exceptions.

Equipment Manager

·          Ensure all equipment is safe and good condition.

·          Ensure all equipment is distributed evenly.

·          Maintain the inventory of all equipment.

·          Ensure all medical equipment is up-to-date and distributed.


Publicity Coordinator/Social Media

·          Conduct general advertising for the promotion of the WYC.

·          Ensure the coordination, production, and distribution of programs.

·        Maintain the public social media sites i: e FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Concessions Coordinator 

·          Order necessary inventory for all hosted games.

·          Coordinate concessions stand staffing for all home events with cheer co-director.  

·          Account for and turn over all cash receipts to the treasurer and/or director staff after each function.

·          Account for all inventory and report to director/co-director after each function.

·          Manage storage and transportation of concession items to and from events.

·          Handles league wide donations and sign-ups within the organization.

Fundraising Coordinator

·       Coordinate all fundraising activities.        

·       Advertise and promote all fundraising activities

·       Account for and turn over all cash receipts to the treasurer after each function.

Competition Coordinator

·       Coordinates Fall Frenzy Day activities with Director staff

·       Sets up competition committee

·       Advertise and promotes event

·       Account for and turn over all cash receipts to the treasurer after each function.

·       Handles all competition registrations

·       Meets with Director weekly from September to annual comp weekend

·       Communicates and scheduled vendors to attends event

Coach Representative – Non-Voting Member

Team Parent Rep – Non-Voting Member

Section 1: The organization shall conduct at least two registrations. The first registration will be held in May of each year. At least one must be held in person.

Section 2: Registration location and fees shall be determined each year.

Section 3: Reduced registration requirements are as follows:

·         If an athlete qualifies for the “free and reduced lunch program” through the school district, we will reduce the registration fee to 50% upon parent or guardian request.  Parent may also apply for the potential scholarship from WYC. They will be required to participate in the fundraiser.

·         Parents must meet the volunteer obligations as required by WYC.

Section 4: Registration fees and mandatory fundraising monies will be non-refundable (Subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors.)

Section 5: No portion of an approved refund will be granted until all the athletes’ issued equipment is returned to the equipment manager or cheering director.

ARTICLE IX (Insurance & Injuries)

Section 1: League insurance would be considered “secondary insurance”

Section 2: An injured athlete requiring professional medical treatment may not participate in practice or games until the athlete is cleared to participate by a physician.

Section 3: Return to participation documentation shall be collected by the coach and turned over to the director.  The WYC reserves the right to demand a physical examination of any athlete at any time during the season.

ARTICLE X (Athlete Eligibility)

Section 1:  Practice shall conform to the following guidelines: Practice sessions shall be set at a minimum of two practices per week.  Before the start of the Warwick School District school year any squad may practice up to five days per week.  Once school begins, squads will drop to 3 days a week, except for Pixies who will practice 2 days a week. Practices can be no longer than 2 hours in duration without a break. Practices for all teams will begin no earlier than 5:00 p.m. and end no later than 8:30 p.m. Coaches do hold the right to ask for additional practice dates/times if needed due to any issue causing a delay in being ready for events – games, appearances and/or competitions.  All teams shall practice at a central location designated by the league and agreed upon by the coaches.


No player will be permitted to practice or participate in any league event until: 

1.     The player has had the required physical examination and has proof of such in writing from a licensed physician or practitioner and/or the parent has waived all legal liability from the league if they choose to not obtain a physical.

2.     The player has submitted a signed parental/guardian consent form or confirmed & completed registration via the league’s website.

3.     The player has submitted all due monies to the association. 

4.     All prior outstanding commitments to the league have been satisfied, including, and not limited to outstanding invoices, return of equipment, etc.

Section 2: Concussions are a major concern of WYC.  In the interest of safety, if a qualified medical professional or coach suspects that an athlete has suffered a concussion either in practice or during cheer activities, that athlete will be prohibited from participating in the remainder of the activity/practice.  The head coach shall contact the parent/guardian as soon as practical and discuss the situation with the parent.  (See also Article IX, Section 2)    

ARTICLE XI (Purchases)

All purchases over $250 must be pre-approved by the director. No Exceptions. A receipt will be required as proof of all purchases and must be presented to the director. Receipts shall be filed, and the treasurer must maintain the files.

Any equipment and/or large purchase over $250 must be voted on by the board, excluding concession event purchases.

ARTICLE XII (Finances)

Section 1: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to raise all monies required to meet operating expenses of this organization in a manner consistent with the purpose of this organization.

Section 2: Check signing privileges are restricted to Director, Co-Director and/or Treasurer. If any of the positions are related than one of the positions will be restricted from signing privileges.

ARTICLE XIII (Bylaws)                                                                      

The bylaws of this organization may be amended, revised, or repealed at any regular, electronic or special meetings of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a Board Quorum. The organization shall also follow the bylaws of the League of which it is a member.


Article XIV (Conduct of Parents and Other Volunteers)
Section 1: Any non-voting board member or other volunteer may be removed from their position by the Director for just cause.  Just cause may include engaging in criminal activity, fighting or tumultuous behavior at a WYC organization event, conduct detrimental to the organization or the welfare of children or violating the parent code of conduct or where the board of directors determines that the member is not acting in the best interest of the organization.  The Director, at his/her discretion, will poll all the board of directors for action.
Section 2: Any cheerleader, parent or other family member may be banned from participating in the WYC organization or attending WYC sanctioned events for just cause.  Just cause may include engaging in criminal activity, fighting or tumultuous behavior at a WYC organization event, bullying, conduct detrimental to the organization or the welfare of children or violating the player contract or the parent code of conduct. This includes social media/online attacks, threats and or slanderous comments toward the league, coaching staff, board of directors, other athlete, their family and/or another volunteer.

Section 3: The removal of an athlete, parent and/or volunteer must be voted on by the board and receive the majority vote.

Section 4: The removal of an athlete, parent and/or volunteer will be for the duration of the season that the removal occurred in.

Warwick Youth Cheerleading By-laws voted and approved on March 29th,  2022.

* Amendment voted on December 2022 - listed under ARTICLE IV (Meetings); Section 1.

Warwick Youth Cheerleading

PO Box 38 
Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543
Phone : 717-823-0082
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