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Feb, 2024

Registration is Now Open

All students AGES 4-12 (as of August 31, 2024) residing in Great Barrington, Stockbridge, West Stockbridge, Richmond, Sheffield, Monterey, Mount Washington, Alford, New Marlborough, Egremont, Tyringham, Lee, Otis and Sandisfield are welcome to join the Great Barrington Little League (GBLL).

GBLL serves the youth of Southern Berkshire County by providing 4 levels of youth baseball:








Ages 4-6

Tee-Ballis an instructional program focused on fun, fitness, and baseball fundamentals.

Coaches Pitch


Ages *6-7

(*Age 6 must have completed a year of T-Ball)

Coaches Pitchis a non-competitive program that puts emphasis on skill development, participation, and fun!

Minor Division


Ages 8, *9-11 (*9-11 not selected to a Majors team)

Minor Divisionis a non-competitive program that continues to focus on the fundamentals of baseball while exposing players to more in-depth teachings of the game. Preseason skills evaluation required.

Major Division


Ages 9-12

Major Division is a competitive program that builds on the skills learned in Minors and begins teaching players position-specific skills, base-running, stealing, and bunting. Preseason skills evaluation required.


Registration is EASY!

  1. ONLINE:
    1. Go to Registration Info
    2. Select Division, complete registration
    3. Pay
  2. By Mail: 
    1. Complete the attached registration
  1. Mail with a personal check, to GREAT BARRINGTON LITTLE LEAGUE, PO Box 671, Great Barrington, MA 01230


Location: TBD



All players aged 9-12 who did NOT play on a GBLL Majors team last year MUST attend a preseason skill evaluation in order to be placed on a Minors or Majors team.  


*If there is an extraordinary conflict (i.e. Pine Wood Derby) we ask that you please contact us to register players for another Group.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us @ [email protected]

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