Girls on Fire is a girls only camp for girls (going into) 6th grade thru 12th grade. The girls must reside in Blue Springs or attend a Blue Springs School, which includes private schools and those that are home-schooled. The program is designed to build confidence and self-esteem, teach healthy lifestyles, healthy relationships and life skills. We also teach about suicide prevention, anti-bullying, basic first aid, self defense and internet crimes and safety. The program is led by all female officers, detectives, counselors and female leaders of our community.
The best's all free!!!!!
All we ask is that if you register and then for some reason cannot attend, please cancel because we normally have a waiting list and that would give another girl the opportunity to attend. The girls that participate will receive a free tshirt and water bottle. We do expect the girls to attend the full week in order to receive their certificate.