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HandsOnSoccer - Heart & Sole Futsal


Middleburg Hts Training is located at Cleveland Fitness Club at 6600 W 130th St, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130. Training is held from 6pm - 8pm on Saturday evenings. The session has already begun so please come with $20 per session and wear indoor soccer shoes.
Call Otto at 330-329-5883 with any questions or email us at [email protected].
All are welcome.
Thank you!

Please feel free to join any of our training sessions through the second week in November for $20 per 2-hour session. Locations include Lorain on Tuesdays (6:30-8:30pm), Akron on Wednesdays or Thursdays (6-8pm) or Saturdays at Middleburg Hts (6-8pm).
Our Chagrin Falls classes begin on October 30th and have their own registration set up in our drop down list.
Thank you.

Heart & Sole Futsal Training
 is the perfect compliment to any soccer players education.

Futsal is widely known around the world for developing players touch, speed of play, increasing players reaction time and also putting players under pressure because of the confined playing area. Combined with the increased number of touches and attempts to attack and defend, all created by the smaller playing area and the reduced bounce ball which stays at the players feet more often, futsal creates players who are more confident on the ball and benefit greatly from playing after only one season! This can be seen in their next outdoor season when you will see a marked difference in the way your child reacts when they receive the ball.

In addition our futsal training will teach, enhance and reinforce essential skills including:
  1. Fitness, change of speed, agility and balance.
  2. Passing and shooting accuracy.
  3. Defensive shape and responsibility.
  4. Individual foot skills and ball control.
  5. Player creativity, confidence, discipline and work rate.