Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Important Dates


Date Activity Location Time
December 27, 2018 Traveling Coaches Application Deadline Email [email protected]
January 6thRegistration Begins - Online  
January 8-10th Traveling Coaches Interviews JRAC Buidling
January 13th Interim Traveling Coaches Selected
January 15-17th Interim Traveling Coaches Meeting JRAC Building 7:00-9:00pm
January 21st No School – MLK Day
January 31st Coaches Clinic Willy McCoy's 7:00-8:30pm
February 18-19th No School – Presidents Day
February 19th Traveling Information Meeting CPHS – So. Lecture Hall 7:00-8:00pm
February 19th Final Registration Traveling
February 20th Traveling Tryouts - Skills Assessment Pitch 2 Pitch Rogers 10u - 6:45-8:00pm
11u - 7:45-9:00pm
14u - 8:45-10:00pm
February 27thTraveling Tryouts - Skills AssessmentPitch 2 Pitch Rogers12u - 6:45-8:00pm
13u - 7:45-9:00pm
15u - 8:45-10:00pm
February 28thCoaches ClinicCPHS Fieldhouse7:00-8:30pm
March 3rdTraveling Tryouts - Round 2 (except 15u)Maple Grove Dome10u - 8:15-9:45am
11u - 9:15-10:45am
12u - 10:15-11:45am
13u - 11:15-12:45pm
14u - 12:15-1:45pm
March 5th Traveling Team Announcements (except 15u)
March 7-17th No School – Spring Break
March 18thTraveling Team Indoor Practice BeginsPitch 2 Pitch Rogers 
March 30th House Evaluations Jackson Middle School 10u Last Name Begins with A-M - 9:00-10:00am
10u Last Name Begins with N-Z - 10:00-11:00am
12u All Players - 11:00-12:00pm
13u All Players - 12:00-1:00pm
14u-15u All Players - 1:00-2:00pm
April 7th GSBL 9u-14u Scheduling Sesson (Travel Teams) Banquets of MN - Fridley 14u - 10:00am
13u - 11:00am
12u - 12:15pm
11u - 1:30pm
10u - 2:45pm
April 16-18th House Coaches Meetings JRAC Building
April 16th GSBL 9u-12u League Play Begins (Travel Teams)
April 22nd House Practices Begin
April 23rd GSBL 13u-14u League Play Begins (Travel Teams)
April 25th GSBL 15u/North Star Scheduling Session Embassy Suites Brooklyn Center 6:00pm
April 27th - CANCELLEDCoaches ClinicCPHS Varsity FieldCANCELLED
May 6th GSBL 15u League Play Begins (Travel Teams)
May 7thNorth Star 13U and 15U House Begins  
May 11th House Baseball Season Opener Andrews
May 20-22nd CDAA Baseball Team Photos CBPA
May 27th No School – Memorial Day
May 31-June 2nd 8U, 10U & 12U Mid-Season House Tournament Andrews/Northland Park/JRAC/Reynolds
June 28-30th 7U, 8U, 10U & 12U End of Season Tournament Andrews/Northland Park/JRAC/Reynolds
July 15th 10U & 12U All-Star Season Begins

CDAA (c) 20112