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Posted Schedules

DateAway TeamHome TeamTimeLocation/Field
09/03/2024NH-WorthanNH-Branson 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
09/03/2024NH-KellyDL-Hollis 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
09/03/2024UN-BoyeYK-Rembert 6:15PM - 7:45PMYorkville / YK1
09/03/2024DL-StaniferBH-Berry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/03/2024BH-GentryNG-Martin 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/03/2024NG-FowlerRR-Montgomery 7:30PM - 9:00PMRidge Road / RR1
09/03/2024BH-MossDL-Martin 7:45PM - 9:15PMDallas / DL2
09/03/2024NG-ThomasNG-Rivas 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/05/2024NG-GainesNH-Cole 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
09/05/2024NH-RamosNG-Hinton 7:30PM - 9:00PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/07/2024DL-StaniferNH-Branson10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Hope / NH1
09/07/2024DL-MartinUN-Boye10:00AM - 11:30AMUnion / UN1
09/07/2024RR-MontgomeryBH-Gentry10:00AM - 11:30AMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/07/2024NG-MartinNG-Thomas10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Georgia / NG2
09/07/2024NH-RamosNH-Kelly11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Hope / NH1
09/07/2024NG-HintonBH-Moss11:45AM - 1:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/07/2024DL-HollisNG-Fowler11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/07/2024NH-ColeNH-Worthan 1:30PM - 3:00PMNew Hope / NH1
09/07/2024NG-RivasNG-Gaines 1:30PM - 3:00PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/07/2024BH-BerryYK-Rembert 2:30PM - 4:00PMYorkville / YK1
09/10/2024NG-HintonNH-Kelly 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
09/10/2024RR-MontgomeryDL-Hollis 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
09/10/2024NG-RivasBH-Gentry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/10/2024NG-MartinNG-Fowler 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/10/2024BH-BerryNH-Worthan 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
09/10/2024UN-BoyeDL-Stanifer 7:45PM - 9:15PMDallas / DL2
09/10/2024YK-RembertBH-Moss 7:45PM - 9:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/10/2024NH-BransonNG-Gaines 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/12/2024NH-ColeNG-Thomas 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/12/2024DL-MartinNH-Ramos 7:30PM - 9:00PMNew Hope / NH1
09/14/2024NG-ThomasNH-Branson10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Hope / NH1
09/14/2024NH-WorthanUN-Boye10:00AM - 11:30AMUnion / UN1
09/14/2024NG-HintonDL-Martin10:00AM - 11:30AMDallas / DL3
09/14/2024DL-HollisNG-Martin10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Georgia / NG2
09/14/2024BH-GentryNH-Cole11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Hope / NH1
09/14/2024BH-MossDL-Stanifer11:45AM - 1:15PMDallas / DL3
09/14/2024NG-FowlerNG-Rivas11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/14/2024NH-RamosYK-Rembert 1:00PM - 2:30PMYorkville / YK1
09/14/2024NG-GainesBH-Berry 1:00PM - 2:30PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/17/2024DL-MartinNH-Kelly 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
09/17/2024NG-RivasDL-Hollis 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
09/17/2024NH-ColeNG-Fowler 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/17/2024NG-MartinRR-Montgomery 6:15PM - 7:45PMRidge Road / RR1
09/17/2024DL-StaniferNH-Ramos 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
09/17/2024BH-BerryNG-Thomas 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/19/2024BH-MossNH-Worthan 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
09/19/2024NH-BransonBH-Gentry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
09/19/2024YK-RembertNG-Hinton 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
09/19/2024UN-BoyeNG-Gaines 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/01/2024NG-FowlerNH-Branson 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/01/2024NG-HintonDL-Stanifer 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
10/01/2024NG-ThomasUN-Boye 6:15PM - 7:45PMUnion / UN1
10/01/2024DL-MartinYK-Rembert 6:15PM - 7:45PMYorkville / YK1
10/01/2024BH-GentryBH-Berry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/01/2024NH-KellyNG-Martin 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/01/2024DL-HollisNH-Cole 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/01/2024NG-GainesBH-Moss 7:45PM - 9:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/01/2024RR-MontgomeryNG-Rivas 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/03/2024NH-WorthanNH-Ramos 7:30PM - 9:00PMNew Hope / NH1
10/05/2024YK-RembertNH-Kelly10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Hope / NH1
10/05/2024NH-BransonDL-Hollis10:00AM - 11:30AMDallas / DL3
10/05/2024BH-BerryNG-Fowler10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Georgia / NG2
10/05/2024NH-ColeRR-Montgomery10:00AM - 11:30AMRidge Road / RR1
10/05/2024UN-BoyeBH-Gentry11:30AM - 1:00PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/05/2024DL-StaniferDL-Martin11:45AM - 1:15PMDallas / DL3
10/05/2024NG-RivasNG-Martin11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/05/2024NH-WorthanNG-Hinton 1:30PM - 3:00PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/05/2024NH-RamosNG-Gaines 3:15PM - 4:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/05/2024BH-MossNG-Thomas 5:00PM - 6:30PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/07/2024NH-BransonNG-Martin 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/07/2024NH-ColeNG-Rivas 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/08/2024DL-StaniferNH-Kelly 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/08/2024UN-BoyeDL-Hollis 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
10/08/2024NH-RamosBH-Gentry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/08/2024BH-MossNG-Fowler 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/08/2024BH-BerryRR-Montgomery 6:15PM - 7:45PMRidge Road / RR1
10/08/2024YK-RembertNH-Worthan 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/08/2024DL-MartinNG-Gaines 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/10/2024NG-HintonNG-Thomas 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/12/2024RR-MontgomeryNH-Branson10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Hope / NH1
10/12/2024NH-WorthanDL-Martin10:00AM - 11:30AMDallas / DL2
10/12/2024NG-FowlerUN-Boye10:00AM - 11:30AMUnion / UN1
10/12/2024DL-HollisBH-Berry10:00AM - 11:30AMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/12/2024NG-GainesNG-Hinton10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Georgia / NG2
10/12/2024NG-MartinNH-Cole11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/12/2024YK-RembertDL-Stanifer11:45AM - 1:15PMDallas / DL2
10/12/2024BH-GentryBH-Moss11:45AM - 1:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/12/2024NH-KellyNG-Rivas11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/12/2024NG-ThomasNH-Ramos 1:30PM - 3:00PMNew Hope / NH1
10/15/2024NG-RivasNH-Branson 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/15/2024NG-ThomasDL-Martin 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
10/15/2024RR-MontgomeryUN-Boye 6:15PM - 7:45PMUnion / UN1
10/15/2024NG-GainesYK-Rembert 6:15PM - 7:45PMYorkville / YK1
10/15/2024NG-MartinBH-Berry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/15/2024BH-GentryNG-Hinton 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/15/2024NH-KellyNH-Cole 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/15/2024DL-HollisBH-Moss 7:45PM - 9:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/17/2024NG-FowlerNH-Ramos 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/17/2024NH-KellyRR-Montgomery 6:15PM - 7:45PMRidge Road / RR1
10/17/2024BH-MossRR-Montgomery 7:45PM - 9:15PMRidge Road / RR1
10/17/2024NH-WorthanDL-Stanifer 8:00PM - 9:30PMDallas / DL2
10/19/2024NH-KellyNH-Worthan10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Hope / NH1
10/19/2024NH-RamosDL-Hollis10:00AM - 11:30AMDallas / DL2
10/19/2024DL-MartinBH-Gentry10:00AM - 11:30AMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/19/2024UN-BoyeNG-Martin10:00AM - 11:30AMNew Georgia / NG2
10/19/2024NH-BransonNH-Cole11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/19/2024BH-BerryNG-Rivas11:45AM - 1:15PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/19/2024NG-HintonNG-Fowler 1:30PM - 3:00PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/19/2024DL-StaniferNG-Gaines 3:15PM - 4:45PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/19/2024YK-RembertNG-Thomas 5:00PM - 6:30PMNew Georgia / NG2
10/22/2024NH-BransonNH-Kelly 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/22/2024NG-FowlerDL-Martin 6:15PM - 7:45PMDallas / DL2
10/22/2024NG-RivasUN-Boye 6:15PM - 7:45PMUnion / UN1
10/22/2024NH-ColeBH-Berry 6:15PM - 7:45PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/22/2024BH-GentryYK-Rembert 7:30PM - 9:00PMYorkville / YK1
10/22/2024RR-MontgomeryNH-Ramos 7:45PM - 9:15PMNew Hope / NH1
10/22/2024NG-ThomasDL-Stanifer 7:45PM - 9:15PMDallas / DL2
10/22/2024NG-MartinBH-Moss 7:45PM - 9:15PMBurnt Hickory / BH2
10/24/2024NG-GainesNH-Worthan 6:15PM - 7:45PMNew Hope / NH1
10/24/2024DL-HollisNG-Hinton 7:30PM - 9:00PMNew Georgia / NG2

Note: Highlighted Team(s) belong to Divisions expired before specified Match Date.


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