Summer Skills Clinic

$60.00 per player Tuesdays and Thursdays
6:00pm to 7:30pm at the Callaway Recreational Complex
The Summer Skills Clinic is designed to help foster a players individual development over the summer months. Sessions will include SAQ work (speed, agility, and quickness) foot/ball skills
and small sided games, while still providing a fun environment in which to play. This program
is open to all children ages 7 - 13 by 6/30/2018. Sessions will be held on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, beginning July 10, 2018. It will conclude by August 9, 2018
and include 10 sessions. Players will also receive a T-shirt. Registration is $60.00 per player
and space is limited.
Sessions are held at the Callaway Sports Complex, off Highway 22.
The address is 514 Callaway Park Way, Callaway FL
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