Updated by 4pm
Practices and games are as scheduled.
MVE SAY Rule 18 Field Surface Closures Determinations
The MVE Area Board wishes to minimize any health risks to participants in the SAY program due to over-exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, the Board reserves the right to cancel any SAY games or practices should the temperature exceed the limit it has established. The Board has determined this limit shall be:
95 degrees "actual" temperature
98 degrees "heat index" or "feels like" temperature
The temperature publicized by local weather authorities will be used and read at 4 PM using the 6PM hour reading. These reading must affect a minimum of 3 out of 5 district for the area to make a blanket decision to stop all programs . The district may still elect to cancel program events if they choose. The program will use www.weather.com hour by hour details posting to decide for games scheduled.
The Area President, who shall be responsible for communicating any cancellation of a SAY event to the Area Districts through their Representatives to the Area Board. Each District in turn shall then notify its coaches and parents in a timely manner. Bethel has established this link on www.baysa.us on website that will be used to post Cancellation Decisions from the area. Click on Field Surface for Direct Link to Weather Information
Weather Rules:
Games are considered officially completed when a game reaches half time. If a game does not reach half time the game needs to be rescheduled. If a weather delay occurs ALL Players and Coaches need to stay at the field during the 30 minute weather delay. Wait for the final decision by the field officials.
Thunder (Heard): Clear playing surfaces for a period of 30 minutes between bursts of thunder.
Lightening (Visible): Clear playing surfaces for a period of 30 minutes between strikes of lightening.
Rain without Thunder or Lightening: Play continues until the rain is determined to a risk of dangerous play. Coaches and referees need to be reasonable this is recreational program. Officials on the field make the final decision regarding play.
Wind: Does not have a defined parameter. If it is strong enough to blow you down then it should be close to impossible to play a sport with a soccer ball.
Thick Fog: If you cannot see the ball it is safe to say that you are not able to play the sport. Wait for the officials to make the final determination.
Frozen Fog: Really in July, August, September & October in Ohio not good stay home. Wait for the officials to make the final determination.
Flooding: Do not play soccer get a canoe or raft and wait for the fields to clear. Please note Plamer fields are the high spot in the counties safe to say the game or practice is already cancelled. Wait for the officials to make the final determination.
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