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Rush Union is a US Club Players First- Licensed Club, 
a SCCL Club and SCCL Premier member

To register for Pre-Academy, Academy or SCCL Competitive Tryouts, click HERE

Pre-Academy and Academy players:
Tryouts May 23-25
2015 and 2016 Pre-Academy  
2014 thru 2011 Academy  

2010 thru 2009 Girl's and Boy's SCCL Competitive
Tryouts May 23-25

2008 thru 2004 Girl's and Boy's SCCL Competitive
Tryouts May 31-June 2

All Rush Union DeKalb tryouts will be held at Brook Run Park
4594 Barclay Drive - Dunwoody

Reach out to Juliet Melvin at [email protected] for any questions.


Age Groups Fall 2021 - Spring 2022

What age groups is my child in?
Age Group
09 and Under
10 and Under 
11 and Under 
12 and Under 
13 and Under
14 and Under 
15 and Under
16 and Under
17 and Under
19 and Under 

Born in:


Refund Policy
Rush Union Soccer has a NO refund policy once the player has been registered on a team, with the following being the ONLY exception:
The player becomes injured to the point that they cannot play the remainder of the season and presents a doctor’s note to the club.  
In this case, the refund will be prorated for the remaining sessions the player cannot attend.

Coaching Development

The Rush Union Way:  Coaching Development

Rush Union Soccer prides itself on being a premier youth club for coaching development and for providing coaching consistency and continuity throughout the program to manage player development and the overall experience of Rush Union players.  In order to make the Rush Union Way a reality on every team for every player, regardless of ability or level of team, the Rush Union embarked on a major coaching development initiative.

Coaching education series:

Professional coaches attend mandatory sessions, where the coaching directors and outside leaders from a variety of sports fields show best practices and help educate Rush Union staff. There are a minimum of six sessions per year that coaches attend.

Club curriculum and lesson planning:
Academy staff follow a set curriculum throughout each season, and submit lesson plans before every practice session to one of the Coaching Directors. This ensures that the principles of the Rush Union Way and that age appropriate player development is being delivered to every Academy player.  Coaches have the freedom to be expressive in their delivery of the curriculum, as we all learn new ideas and techniques to share among the coaching staff.  

Game reporting:

Rush Union coaches are required to provide a written report by email on each Academy and Competitive game to the coaching directors. This helps track team and individual development and ensures proper lesson planning for future practices.

Coaching feedback:
Written feedback, in the form of twice a year performance reviews and outside evaluation reports, provides coaches valuable feedback from experienced coaches and “another pair of eyes” on ways to continue to improve.   

Coaching mentorship program:
Senior coaches are paired with younger coaches to reinforce the Rush Union Way principles and curriculum, while providing another avenue for coaches to receive feedback.   

Staff coach retreat:
In 2016, staff members began attending an annual staff coach retreat. The staff coach retreat serves as an opportunity to observe and work alongside some of the world leaders in soccer, while also having a chance for team building.

Monthly coaching newsletter/social media articles:

With the use of regular newsletters and social media coaches are constantly kept up to date on new trends, articles and items that can further enable them to promote The Rush Union Way

Bottom Line

The Rush Union Coaching Development program is a major investment by our club - one we believe is among our most important, as it directly impacts the development of well-rounded youth soccer players.  Providing a well-defined set of player development standards, expecting a high level of professionalism by all coaches for every team, and providing meaningful feedback and support to every coach are the ingredients to being in the position to develop players at all levels of play to best of their ability AND to have fun with soccer in the process. 

We whole heartedly believe Rush Union is a great place to play and coach soccer and we work hard together every day to bring that mission to reality.

R/U In?!