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Academy Tryout Information

2022-2023 Seasonal Year Tryouts

09U (9 and under) Born in 2014 (From 1-1-14 to 12-31-14)
10U  Born in 2013 (From 1-1-13 to 12-31-13)
11U  Born in 2012 (From 1-1-12 to 12-31-12)
12U  Born in 2011 (From 1-1-11 to 12-31-11)

9U and 12U Tryout Dates: May 23,24,25
Tryout Times:
  6:00-7:15pm each night
Tryout Location: Brook Run Park Soccer Fields 4594 Barclay Drive Dunwoody 30338 
(Follow the signs to the Multi-Use Fields)

There is NO cost involved to tryout. 

Players that pre-register will receive a confirmation email.  

Be sure to check in at the registration table each night that you attend.  

Players should bring water, a soccer ball and shin guards

Be sure to check the website for field status updates at or our weather hotline at 770-414-6899.  

We look forward to meeting you and your player at the field!