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Sep, 2023

Kick-off Notes for All Age Divisions

Welcome to the Callaway Soccer Family - where we operate on and off the field as FAMILY.


U4/U6 Fields are located on the outfield of Softball Field #4.  U4 fields are the first two fields inside the gate.  U6 fields are the 3rd and 4th fields from the gate located off the Stop Sign walk way. All practices and games will be in the same fields for U4 and U6 - 2 fields for each age division,

U8 will be on Baseball Field #2 outside the Temporary fence.  All team practices will be on fields #5 and #6.  Field #5 is on the first baseline.  Field #6 is on the third baseline.

U10 & U12 will Use Fields #8 & #9 for all practices and games.

U15 will use Field #10 for practices and games

The Lightning Detection System located is on the end of the Maintenance building.  If it is flashing, that means LIGHTNING IS WITHIN 6 miles and nobody should be on the fields.  If you hear three loud burst from the horn, that means it is clear to play/practice

There is No smoking outside the parking lot. Officially the park is a no smoking and no Vaping area.

Players should be dressed with cleats, shin guard, appropriate size soccer ball with water to drink for every session
Show up on time and be ready to play.

Your Coach is not the disciplinarian. If you see your child doing something that needs correction, handle it.

Volunteer to help the coach.  A lot of times they may ask you to come out and coax your kids to play.  

All coaches are volunteers, not paid.

Concession stands are open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and all game day Saturdays.

Uniforms will be in on Thursday before first game.  Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers can pick up for the team.

Dress the kids for the weather. If it is cold, long sleeves and long pants.  Put the shin guards under the pants. 

Sun screen and bug spray are highly encouraged.

First games are scheduled for September 16th and every Saturday after until November 11th.

Your kids will kick kids and your kids will get kicked, it is the nature of Soccer. Young players rarely do this purposely or with malice. Their timing is not great but they will improve.
Don’t talk politics, we are out here for the kids. They hear and see everything.

Don’t be the parent I have to walk off the fields if you get out of hand.

Please put your players name on their soccer ball, so it is easily identified.

Soccer phone:  I will monitor until the first games.  I would like you to go through the coaches for questions or if you see me, please ask or let me know of any issues.  I can't fix something if I don't know it is broke.  If you call it and do not leave a message, I will not return your call.  I will assume the message answered your question. Ty, Coach Brent

Remember, we are all out here for the kids.

Have FUN!! See you on the Pitch,
Coach Brent and Coach Amber


Callaway Soccer Association, Inc.
500 Callaway Park Way 
Callaway, Florida 32404

Phone: 850-819-5638
Email: [email protected]

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