All age groups that participate in summer all star tournament baseball must comply with association by-laws, association policies and procedures, and franchise organizational rules. The Board of Directors will approve the formation of any All-Star team.
1. Only players that participated in the spring season shall be eligible for summer teams. These players must have played in no less than seventy-five (75) percent of his teams scheduled games including tournament play. Injuries will be handled per Dizzy Dean rule 11:01
2. Only coaches that are Head Coaches/Managers in the spring season at a particular age in the recreational league shall be eligible to be a Head Coach/Manager of an all-star team. If there are no Head Coaches/ Managers that want to coach an assistant coach may apply.
3. During the regular fall season, "sandlots" clinics can be held for each age group pending field time. Sandlot players are invited by the head All-Star coach and are selected by his/her discretion. There is no limit on the amount of players allowed to participate in the sandlot clinics. A player must be registered for the current recreation season in order to participate in Sandlot. At the beginning of the spring season sandlot clinics will continue up until the time the All-Star coach selects his/her team. Sandlot may not interfere with any regular schedule games, practices or KBA events. Any All-Star coach allowing kids to participate in Sandlot activities over recreation baseball activities will be disciplined up to and possibly including termination from his/her coaching duties. The Head Coach/Manager may hold up to two spring tryouts in order for him/her to pick his/her team. A team cannot be selected before April 1st.
4. During the Fall and Spring seasons, "open" clinics will be held for each age group at the beginning of each season up until tournament play. Anyone at any age may attend end the open clinics. All coaches are encouraged to help run open clinics.
5. All-star Coaches can be nominated by the other coaches in their respective league. All-Star coaching candidates will be required to provide a written proposal of All-Star plans for the year to the Board of Directors. If there is more than one coach nominated or showing interest in coaching an all-star team, then the League Director should take the Nominees to the Board of Directors for final selection. Any coach interested in coaching an all-star team may be required to be interviewed by the Board of Directors. The KBA Board of Directors will provide final approval of all All-Star Head Coaches. A returning coach will be given preference based on the performance record and the following
criteria: 1.) Coach is in good standing with KBA and sanctioning body. 2.)Approved P&L from previous All-Star season.
6. An all-star Coach/Manager can be selected as early as the second Monday in August but no later than April 1 or the beginning of spring break. A coaches application must be turned in 2 weeks prior to the monthly board meeting in order to be considered to coach the following month.
7. If there will be more than one all-star team, they will be slated as the A team & B team. The A team must be chosen and announced before the B team coach and team can be selected.
8. If a player is asked to play on the A team, he must play for that team. He cannot decline the A team to play on the B team. If he declines the A team, he will not be allowed to play all-stars for that year.
9. The all-star coach can choose any player that played in the rec. season for his particular age group. Players are not required to participate in the clinics in order to be chosen for the all-star team. They are only required to play in the rec program.
10. All-Star teams will adhere to the rules set forth by Dizzy Dean Baseball and Kennesaw Baseball Association. Intentional violation of these rules will result in the immediate removal of the Head Coach.
11. All all-star teams, upon request at any time, will provide to the Board of Directors a copy of their teams current and up to date Profit and Loss statement. Also, an all-star team will provide to the parents of that team an up to date profit and loss statement every two (2) weeks after the team
has been formed.
12. Head Coaches must appoint someone other than himself/herself or their spouse to handle team finances and serve as Team Treasurer.
13. All-Star teams are prohibited from opening any type of credit accounts in the name of Kennesaw Baseball Association or use the Kennesaw Baseball Association Non-Profit Tax ID number to solicit donations
for their team.
14. All team funds collected will be used for team expenses only and not for personal reasons.
15. All-Star teams are not allowed to solicit sponsorship funds from any KBA sponsor.
16. All-Star teams will be permitted to host one (1) tournament for the Summer. They must follow all "ADAMS PARK & KBA POLICIES & PROCEDURES". They are also required to sign and follow the "Concessions Agreement" set forth by the KBA Board of Directors.
17. All-Star Managers are responsible for the conduct of all individuals Related to his/her team. Teams will still follow all guidelines set forth by the Kennesaw Baseball Association "Coaches Manual."
Amended August 8th, 2012 by: The Kennesaw Baseball Association
KBA All-Star Policy