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 By-Laws  of  Tyrone Youth Baseball Association 
Article 1 – NAME AND PURPOSE 1.1: The league shall be known as “Tyrone Youth Baseball Association, hereinafter referred to as the TYBA, a member of USSSA Baseball.  The TYBA has been established as a non-profit organization. 1.2: The purpose of the TYBA is to provide baseball for boys and girls living in Tyrone and the surrounding areas, under good leadership and train, instruct and assist such boys and girls in becoming proficient at playing the game of baseball.  The supervisors shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and that the molding of the future men and women is our primarily goal. 1.3 Sanctioning – TYBA plays baseball under the sanctioning of USSSA Baseball. This is subject to review and can be modified, or cancelled under directions given by a quorum vote of the Board of Directors. 
Article 2 – MEMBERSHIP 2.1: Any parents or guardians of active players, active team or division sponsors, or active volunteer adult leaders shall be considered members of the League.  “Active” shall mean actual participation during the prior season.  Membership is restricted to those who are at least 18 years of age and excludes anyone who may have been specifically banned from the TYBA by its Board of Directors.  This entitles each parent or guardian to vote in the general election in June, attend monthly board meetings, and run for election.  Yearly membership records are to be maintained by the Secretary of the Board. 
The TYBA shall not discriminate based upon age, sex, gender, sexual identity, national origin, race or religion. 

 2.2: Suspension or Termination Membership may be terminated by resignation or by the action of the Executive Board, by Quorum vote, as defined under 3.2, of those present at the duly constituted meeting.  The Executive Board shall have the authority to discipline, eject, or suspend the membership of any member when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of the players and/or TYBA.  Detrimental can be but not limited to, anything that is harmful, disadvantageous, damaging, negative, unfavorable, or injurious.  This will be determined by the Executive Board. If membership is being terminated, the member involved must be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and bylaw(s) violated, and given an opportunity to answer such charges.  A minimum of 48 hours notice shall be given to the member involved.  If the member does not attend the meeting, it will still be held.  A vote will take place and membership may still be terminated. The Board will then select a new member to replace the resigned or terminated member.  That replacement must be elected by a quorum vote by the current Board members. In the event that the child/children of a Board member(s) ceases playing within the TYBA, that Board member may serve out their term. 
Article 3 – SPECIAL MEETINGS AND VOTING 3.1: The Board of Directors shall meet no less than once a month in an executive session as scheduled.  It is the responsibility of the President and Secretary to coordinate the meeting site and publishing the pertinent facts relating to the monthly meeting after their June elections.  The meetings are held duirng a day, usually Tuesday, of the the second week of every month at 7:30pm beginning in July and continuing until the following June. Special Meetings may be called by the President at any time or if requested by any Board member and approved by 50% of the Executive Board. These meetings will be closed to the General Membership and public.  These instances include but are not limited to, censoring an Executive Board member, At-Large Board member or a General member, investigations in process of findings of said investigations, personnel matters or probation-suspension conferences. Attendance at the regularly scheduled meetings is mandatory for all Board members.  Any member who cannot attend a scheduled meeting shall notify the Secretary or other Executive Board Member. Any Board member who misses two consecutive meetings may be removed by a quorum vote of the remaining Board members upon recommendation of the Executive Board. At all meetings of members, each member may vote in person or by proxy.  All proxies shall be in writing and filed by the Secretary.  Every proxy shall be revocable and shall automatically cease upon adjournment of the meeting specified by the written proxy.  Faxed copies and e-mails with signature and date of specific meeting will be acceptable.  There may or may not be agenda specific. 
Quorum – A quorum is defined as a majority of current Board Members members, one of which must be the President or Vice-President.  The Secretary will notify all TYBA Board members of upcoming meetings to ensure a quorum will be present.  A quorum must be present at any meeting where decisions on expenditures of $250 or more will be authorized or disciplinary actions will be discussed.  If a quorum is not met than the discussion must be tabled till a quorum can be met. 
Article 4 – FINANCES The TYBA shall operate financially on a yearly basis, beginning July 1 and ending June 30 as to operate from the beginning of the Fall season and run through the end of the following Spring season.  The financial records shall be closed June 30. Financial management is the responsibility of the Treasurer, overseen by the Executive Board.  All income shall be placed in a common Association treasury. The fiscal report shall be given at the July Board of Directors meeting and may contain estimates for the operations of the upcoming year. The President or any member of the Executive board may spend up to $249 per incident in operating expenses with the consent of at least two (2) other executive board members.  Any amount over $250 unless is an emergency situation, can be approved by a unanimous vote of the Executive board or majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall not permit the disbursement of TYBA funds for other than the conduct of the baseball or normal business expenses to keep the TYBA running smoothly and properly. No officer or board member shall receive directly or indirectly any salary, compensation or emolument form the TYBA for services rendered as officer, Board member or other type of member. All monies received shall be deposited to the credit of the TYBA in a designated local banking facility, and all disbursements shall be made by check.  The President and Treasurer or other officer as determined by the Executive board shall sign all checks. Two authorized signors shall sign all checks.  All Executive board members are required to have check-signing authority. All monies with supporting documentation received shall be turned in to the Treasurer as soon as possible for the proper recording.  All monies received shall be deposited daily by an Executive Board member.  All monies for deposits shall be counted and verified by an Executive Board member and another Board member.  All receipts shall be exchanged immediately. No members will be reimbursed for purchases made unless pre approved by majority of the Executive Board.  The books for TYBA shall be turned over to a Certified Public Accountant, or any other person appointed by the Executive board, not associated with any of the active Board members, for purposes of an annual audit in June.  A financial review will also be required upon early termination or replacement of office by the Treasurer.  A financial statement shall be provided upon written request and Executive Board approval.
Article 5 – OPERATIONS WITH TYRONE RECREATION DEPARTMENT & TOWN 5.1: TYBA will operate all Town facilities under the direction of the Tyrone Recreation Coordinator.  The Board will organize teams, set practice/game schedules, and supervise maintenance and repairs to facilities and equipment used by TYBA Board members.  The Board is also tasked with the responsibility of planning the future acquisitions and equipment, coordinating where applicable with the Tyrone Recreation Coordinator and/or County Recreation Director. 5.2: TYBA needs to be in compliance with the Tyrone Youth Sports Association Facility and Field Agreement. 
Article 6 – GOVERNMENT / DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 6.1: The governing body of TYBA shall be the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall consist of an Executive Board and Board Members.   The Executive Board shall consist of the following positions:  President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Board Members shall consist of Age Coordinators, Concession Manager, Equipment Manager, Team Mom Coordinator, and General Board Members. 6.2: Prerequisites for the Executive Board: President and Vice President must have served one term (2 seasons) in the TYBA Board to run or be appointed for office. Secretary must have served one full spring season as a memeber of the Board to be appointed for office. Treasurer must have served one term (2 seasons) or more as a ameber of the Board to be appointed for office. In the event that no one runs for an executive position, due to eligibility requirement, the current Executive Board has the authority to approve a candidate for election. 6.3: Board of Directors:  Their responsibility is to conduct this association in strict accordance to the by-laws, policies, rules, and regulations of the TYBA.  The Board shall vote on all issues during a Board meeting, with the exception of the President.  The Board will attend all scheduled meetings.  The Board will perform other duties as prescribed by the Executive board.  The Board is responsible for the safe and effective operation of the TYBA. 6.4: Board Duties by Position: President: Is the chief executive officer of the Organization (Organization shall mean Tyrone Youth Baseball Association) (subject to the control of the remaining members of the Board of Directors) and shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of the Organization. 
Shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall be primarily responsible for executing such policies and procedures that may from time to time be established by the Board of Directors. Shall (with the assistance if the Treasurer) prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors for its approval and be responsible for the proper execution thereof. Shall represent the Organization at any district, national or other baseball program of which the Organization is associated. Shall assure that all necessary permits are attained to allow the efficient operation of the Organization regarding fields, fund raising, snack stand and opening day parade activities. Shall (with the assistance of the USSSA President) examine the application and supporting proof-of-age document of every player candidate and certify to the age and residence eligibility before the player may be accepted for selection. Shall preside over the tryouts, draft and selection of All-Stars for all the divisions. 
Vice President: Shall have and may exercise all of the powers and duties of the President during the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability to act. Shall be responsible for acting as a liaison between the Organization and the town of Tyrone by keeping them informed of league activities.   Shall have such additional duties and powers as the Board of Directors may from time to time delegate. 
Treasurer: Shall be the chief financial officer and the chief accounting officer of the Organization. Shall be in charge of the Organization’s financial affairs and shall safeguard all funds, securities, and valuable papers. Shall keep full and accurate records thereof. Shall report on the financial affairs at each meeting of the Board of Directors. Shall assist the President in the preparation of an annual budget for submission to the Board of Directors.. Shall receive all monies and securities and deposit these funds in a depository approved by the Board of Directors. Shall monitor and administer the monies allocated to the operation of the snack stand, umpires, fundraising activities, etc. Shall perform other duties and powers as may be delegated by the Board of  Directors. 
Secretary: Shall be responsible for recording the activities of the Organization and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records. Shall maintain a list of the members of the Board of Directors, committee members, managers and coaches. Will give notice, keep the minutes, maintain records and conduct such correspondence as may be required of all Board of Directors and committee meetings of the Organization.  If the Secretary is absent from any meeting, a temporary secretary will be chosen at the meeting who shall exercise the duties of the Secretary at the meeting. Shall maintain and up hold the Bylaws and Constitution of Tyrone Youth Baseball Association.  This shall include any new rules and motions as voted on and passed by the Organization. Shall research prices for equipment and uniforms which will be necessary for the operation of the leagues during the upcoming season with special attention given to the quality of the items, the vendor’s ability to provide the desired items and the services provided by the vendor. Shall provide to the President an itemized list of uniforms with the associated costs for purchase. Shall be responsible for scheduling umpires for games for each division. 
Equipment Coordinator: Shall make necessary arrangements with the coordinators and managers for the distribution and collection of equipment and uniforms shall maintain an inventory of equipment and uniforms. Shall provide to the President an itemized list of equipment in stock before season begins and end of season when all equipment is turned in. Distribute balls to all managers during coaches meeting. 
Article 7 – ELECTIONS 7.1:  Elections and Voting The elections will be held on the second Tuesday of June at end of the Spring season. A member may only vote once in any election. Serving Board members may stand for re-election. The results of the election must be posted within twenty-four (24) hours of tabulation. Newly elected Board members will attend the July General Board meeting for the purpose of selecting Executive Officers.  This will be the last item on the July agenda. 
The members will select, by secret ballot limited to the newly elected four (4) Executive Officers. The remaining Board Memebership are made up of General Board Members. The General members and VP, Treasurer and Secretary (3) are the only members of the board that have a vote. The ballots will be counted by the current President and recorded by the current Secretary. In the event a board member resigns prior to the end of the season, the board of directors may appoint an individual to fill the position for the remainder of the season. In the event the President resigns prior to the end of the season, the Vice President will assume the position of President for the remainder of the season.  In the event the Vice President does not accept the President’s position, the Board of Directors will appoint the President. 7.2: Nominations A person may not nominate himself or herself. A person cannot be nominated who is not considered in good standings with TYBA. Nominations will be received only on an official TYBA nomination form or from the website if provided. The nomination form shall include Name, address, phone #, and child(s) team information of person nominating. 
Article 8 – Coaching, Parents and Players Ethics and Guidelines The Board will take seasonal applications for a Manager position. Managers will be determined by an interview process selection conducted by the Executive Board, League Coordinator and the Tyrone Recreation Coordinator. The Executive Board and the TRC will set up a date and time to interview. The Executive Board, TRC and League Coordinator will come up with a list of questions and determine after all the managers have been interviewed, which individuals are best for the players, TYBA and the Town of Tyrone. A coach can be anyone from a parent or family member of 18 years of age or older. A coach can be a member of the community willing to volunteer their time. Any non-family member, excluding legal guardians, must be approved by the Board. A manager/head coach must be an immediate family member, i.e. father, mother, or legal guardian. Coaching and/or managing records are maintained by the Secretary. 
All Managers/Coaches must be certified by the sanctioning body(ies) (NYSCA) designated by the Town of Tyrone and been SSCI approved (back ground check).  The SSCI is good for two consecutive seasons. The TYBA will cover the fee for the SSCI for the manager of the team and one coach.  If the team decides to have additional coaches, there will be a fee to have a SSCI. After each Manager/Coach is certified through the NYSCA and has been SSCI approved, the TYBA will take pictures of manager/coach(s) and along with their certification, create a badge that will have to been worn at practices and games at all times.  This will allow the coaches, opposing team manager/coach(s), parents, board members, and fans know that each individual on the field has been through the certification process. 
Code of Ethics To prevent any misunderstanding or misinterpretations when problems occur during the baseball season, the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association Board of Directors has instituted the following Code of Conduct for players, managers, coaches and parents.  This will be distributed to our managers, coaches, Board members, players and parents this season in the hope that it will strengthen our organization and its policies, and will clearly state the expectations that out organization has with regard to our standards of behavior.   
Code of Conduct for Parents 
As a parent of a player in the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association, I agree to: 
Respect the managers and their coaching staff.  Managers and coaches are volunteers who donate their time and expertise to the TYBA.  My appreciation of their efforts is paramount to ensuring and ample supply of managers and coaches in the program.  I will take practices and games seriously by making sure that my child(ren) are available and on time as scheduled.  I will collect my child(ren) in a timely manner when practices and games are finished. Respect all players.  All players are contributors to a team and should be positively encouraged by all parents.  I will not engage in insults or criticisms of players.  Such behavior does not promote team spirit but breaks apart a team and will not be tolerated. Follow proper channels to resolve any dispute with the TYBA.  The TYBA is willing to assist any parent that has a problem with any of its programs.  If I have an issue or problem, I understand that I should approach the manager or coaches of my child’s team, the league coordinator, any individual member of the Board or the entire Board to address it.  No parent should ever feel that the TYBA is unapproachable. 
Display good sportsmanship at all times.  The children are learning to become team players and work toward a common goal.  I will always be non-judgmental and my support for their attempts and their outcomes. Be a contributor to the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association.  I will volunteer in some aspect of the program (concession stand) and will be supportive and positive influence for all efforts made by the TYBA. Appreciate that the TYBA is striving to provide the best baseball program for my children.  The programs of the TYBA are intended to be learning and fun experience for all players.  I will relax and enjoy the youth baseball experience. 
Code of Conduct for Players 
As a player for the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association, I agree to: 
Respect my manager and coaches.  The managers and coaches are volunteers who donate their time to our organization and my appreciation of their help should be reflected in all my actions on the playing field.  It is my duty to listen to and follow the directions of my manager and coaches and to obey the rules set forth by the manager and coaches of the teams. Respect my team members and other players.  I will not insult, criticize or verbally abuse any other player.  Such behavior does not promote but destroys team spirit and will not be tolerated by the TYBA. Never resort to physical threats or actions to rectify a situation.  Physical outbursts are unacceptable and will be dealt with using a zero-tolerance policy.  Any occurrence will be immediately directed to the League Coordinator and Executive Board. Display good sportsmanship at all times.  As a representative of the TYBA, it is my duty to reflect the characteristics of fair play at all times.  I will display to others that competition is healthy an I will not lower the standards of the TYBA by engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct. Be a contributor to the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association.  I play baseball not only for my own personal pleasure and benefit but for the benefit and as a representative of the TYBA.  I will always give 100% to my team by doing the best job that I can. 
Code of Conduct for Managers and Coaches 
As a manager/coach for the Tyrone Youth Baseball Association, I agree to: 

 Respect all players.  I will ensure that all criticism I offer to the players will be constructive and balanced with compliments.  I recognize that all players are contributors to my team and will treat them all fairly and equitably within the rules. Respect all parents.  I recognize that baseball is a big commitment for parents.  I will keep my team parents informed as well as possible to ensure that the whole team is pulling in the same direction. Follow proper channels to resolve any disputes.  I understand that I am not alone in my position as manager or coach.  I have a strong organization to assist me in the resolution of problems, issues or disputes.  If they arise, I will discuss problems with my manager or coaches, the player(s), the parents, the Board members or the entire Board as necessary.  With the manager or coaches I will schedule a team meeting before our first practice to formulate the expectations for our team.  These expectations will be published in writing and given to all my team players and parents. Display good sportsmanship at all times.  I understand that all players are learning to be good sportsmen and team players and are quick to copy all behavior they see on the field, particularly that of me in my position as manager or coach.  I will show respect to my League Coordinator, my team’s manager, coaches, players and parents and the opposing managers, coaches, players and parents at all times.  The umpires and fans will also have my respect and I will respectfully take care of the playing fields, facilities and equipment that we use. Be a positive contributor to the TYBA.  I will be a positive an caring influence and an encouraging force in teaching the lessons of team play through baseball to all the players I encounter. 
Manager and Coaches Code of Conduct Regarding Umpires 
The following is the Code of Conduct for managers and coaches regarding umpires.   
Code This code is in addition to the basic Code of Conduct for managers and coaches.  It deals strictly with the manager/coach interaction with umpires. TYBA has a strict “zero tolerance” policy. 
No manager or coach shall verbally or physically accost an umpire. Calls may not be argued in any unsportsmanlike manner. Managers and coaches shall not speak to the umpires alone.  An umpire must be present for any conversation, and ideally the opposing manager as well. Commentary on umpires’ decisions is not permitted. This includes indirect commentary such as “Don’t worry Johnny, that wasn’t a strike”. 
No commentary shall come from the dugout.  Ever. The manager is ultimately responsible for the behavior of his coaches and his dugout. Mangers will fill out an umpire evaluation at the completion of every game. Manager being ejected from a game is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  If a manager, coach, player, or fan is ejected from a game, he/she must leave the playing field immediately and the park within 10 minutes of the ejection. (A coach or fan can only return to the park to pick up a player once the game is completed.)  Failure to act accordingly will result in the forfeiture of the game and suspension from the league for the rest of the season.  Additionally, the TYBA may pursue criminal trespass charges if the police are required to remove someone from the park.  The first offense will be either a three game suspension or removed from his position and not allowed to manage or coach in the TYBA ever again.  The executive board will hear both from the coach and umpire and make a decision on his/her future as a manager. 
Infractions Infractions of the Code of Conduct for Players, Parents and Managers/Coaches will result in the following. Suspended from Handley Park until a hearing is held by the Executive Board, League Coordinator and Tyrone Recreation Coordinator.  The hearing will take place 72 hours from the time of the occurrence which will include the Executive Board, League Coordinator, TRC, individual that violated the code of conduct and the umpire if needed. The Executive Board will make a decision of the outcome after all parties have been heard.  Infractions could result in written warning, game(s) suspension(s) or removal from the league. 
Article 9 – REGISTRATION 9.1: Registration will be operated by the Board of Directors at a site designated by the Tyrone Recreation Director.   9.2: The Board will determine the times of operation and the personnel level needed for each registration. 9.3: The Board will determine the registration fee, late fees, and out of county fees. 
Article 10 – DISSOLUTION 10.1: If at any time it becomes necessary or advisable to dissolve the TYBA, all funds and assets shall be donated to a specified non-profit organization.  Dissolution would require a super majority vote of all Board of Directors. 
Article 11 – AMENDMENTS 11.1: These by-laws or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the TYBA Board members present at any duly constituted meeting; provided that written notice of such proposed changes over the signature of the Secretary shall be mailed or e-mailed to each member of the TYBA at lease fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting of which such proposed changes shall be submitted to vote. 

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