Route 28, Brookville Brookville Pennsylvania United States 15825
(Last updated 04/20/23 at 05:14 PM )
Registration is now OPEN for In-House and Travel
Spring Registration
Registration for the 2017 Fall Season is NOW OPEN. Please sign up before July 25th to avoid any late fees.
Practices will start mid April and the season will last until mid June.
Register before midnight February 28th!.
Our board meetings will now be at the Conservation Building (tan building right before the fairgrounds, bottom entrance). Please w...
Registration News and Fees.
Register now for the 2020 fall season........
Registration will open on February 2nd. Please follow the links to register your player. Also remember with the age matrix chang...
Registration is now open for the fall season.
FairGrounds U6
Brookville Area Soccer Association PO Box 233 Brookville, Pennsylvania 15825
Phone: 814-541-9355 Email: [email protected]