Programs   >   Cincinnati United Premier (CUP)   >   CUP - About

 Cincinnati United Premier (CUP)

The Premier Program

The purpose of our ‘Premier Program’ is to provide an educational and competitive environment that consistently produces the most mentally, physically, technically, and tactically accomplished players in Ohio South, USYSA Region II, and the nation, recognized for their superior quality of play, knowledge and ability to articulate the game, sportsmanship, and passion for the sport.

Program Overviews


CUP - Premier Program Overview (2014-15)
This is the CUP Information Packet for the Boys u14-u18 program. |download|
This is the CUP Information Packet for the Girls u14-u18 program. |download|

CUP Youth Program Overview (2014-15)
This is an informational presentation for the CUP Youth program for the upcoming season.

Program Fees & Payment Options


Payment Agreement & Payment Options
This is a PDF file showing the payment options and details for making payments.

Premier Program Fees and Due Dates |download|
This is a PDF file showing the player fees for the Premier Program for the 2014-15 year.