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Woodbury Steelers Football Association is a 501(C) (3) organization, sponsorships and donations are100% tax deductible.
The success of our program solely depends on sponsorships, donations and fundraisers. The generosity of (Individuals/Companies) like (you/yours) is what helps us to serve the youth of this community and support the aspirations of our young student athletes.  
Our organization offers a variety of ways for you to help. We have sponsorship opportunities in which the proceeds go toward covering registration fees for families in need, new field equipment, safer & upgraded player equipment we need every year. At the end of the season, any remaining funds are used towards our end of the year banquet for our  athletes. The sponsorship program we have designed provides you with a return on your investment with advertisement banners, promotion of your business to a large group of parents and relatives at every home game, on our social media page, webpage even logos of your business on our uniforms.

We hope you will be able to assist our program through a sponsorship, or donation of any kind, this season. Donations of any amount or items will be accepted and appreciated. Sponsorship serve as an excellent way to give back to your community. Therefore, we turn to you in hope of enlisting your support.  We thank you in advance for your support for our organization All sponsorships and donations are 100% tax deductible. 
For a list of sponsorship options Please email us at [email protected] 

Woodbury Steelers Midget Football

P.O Box 235 
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
Phone : 856-625-4995
Email : [email protected]
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