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Chain of Command:

 • Head Coach

• Assistant Coach

• Once EMS arrives they will take over the scene

Scene control: Limit scene to first aid responders and move bystanders away from area. Identify Emergency:

 • Cardiac

• Orthopedic

 • Head + Neck

• Medical (Asthma; Diabetic; Allergic Reaction)

When You Call EMS:

1. Provide your name and Position

2. Current address

3. Telephone number

4. Number of individuals injured

 5. Condition of injured

6. Any first aid treatment

7. Specific directions to current field

 8. Any other information requested do not hang up until EMS hangs up

When Speaking with Emergency Contact

1. Ensure them the athlete is being taken care of

2. Explain to them what happen

 3. Explain the steps taken

 4. Instruct the location the injured athlete is being taken

 5. Identify the adult with the injured athlete and their contact number


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Washington Township Rugby Club

523 Egg Harbor Rd 
Sewell, New Jersey 08080

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 856-652-0363
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