Website Manager

Hooksett Girls Softball League


October 2019





A. This organization shall be known as “HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.” It shall be incorporated under the by-laws of New Hampshire Babe Ruth Softball within the geographical boundaries, as established and approved.

B. In accordance with Section 501-(c)- (4) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code,

HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of softball games under the HYAA umbrella.



The Mission of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE (HGSL) offers a dedicated atmosphere for young female athletes ages 5 -16 to play and compete in the game of fast pitch softball in Hooksett, NH.  Our league provides a community based youth sports organization that is committed to growing the highest ideals of good sportsmanship and teamwork by providing opportunity and support to achieve the determined goals that each individual seeks.  Our leadership maintains the same standard of excellence expected by the players and families.  We have every intention of improving the total commitment and ongoing growth and success of the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.  Within this, we are committed to emphasizing that softball is healthy, fun, and provides for a great exchange of friendship and an all-important feeling of belonging and being part of something worthwhile within the community.




A. Any individual interested in active participation to effect and to further the objectives of the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE may become a member.

B. There shall be the following classifications of membership in HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.


  1. PLAYER Members: Any girl between the ages of  5 and 16 years old as of December 31st of the calendar year, of amateur standing and who resides within the authorized boundaries of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE may be eligible to participate in the programs of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, but shall have no rights, duties, or obligation in the management or in the property of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.
  1. REGULAR MEMBERS: Regular members shall be made up of the Board, Managers, and the designated coaches and assistant coaches for each team, plus any other person who is making a contribution to HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE. Regular members, including elected and appointed officials, should be active and in good standing. Regular members are invited and urged to attend all the regular and special meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, and to express their views pertaining to the affairs of the league for subsequent consideration and action by their representatives on the Board.

A. As used hereinafter, the word “member” shall mean a Regular Member unless otherwise stated.

B. Any Membership may be terminated by resignation or actions taken by the Board.  The Board, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, and/or its affiliation with national softball organizations. The Member/Member’s Guardian involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges, and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.

C. A Board member may be removed from the Board and forfeit their position for failing to carry out expected duties or conduct detrimental to HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.  To remove a Board Member, a written complaint must be presented to the board.  The complaint will be reviewed and investigated by the Board.  A vote of two-thirds of all board members is required for the dismissal of a Board Member.

D. Three absences from scheduled Board Meetings may result in the Board requesting and reviewing the reasons for the absences, which could result in removal from the Board.



A. “LOCAL LEAGUE” operation, business, and administration, shall be carried out by HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, under the system of government established herein.

B. Governmental structure and the activities of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE must comply with the purposes, objectives, standards, and regulations of affiliations with national softball organizations which the League from time to time chooses to affiliate or associate with.

C. A majority of the Regular Members present at the monthly Meeting will rule and be considered a quorum.  All Board Members shall be entitled to vote at monthly Meetings.  The President or his/her designee may also solicit a vote of the Board via e-mail, conference call or other accepted means of communication when the resolution of a situation calls for a vote and said situation would be best resolved in an expedient manner.  If a Board vote via e-mail, conference call or other method does occur, said matter will be listed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board so that a record of said vote is created and so that additional discussion can be had if need be.    

D. The annual meeting of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be held, during the month of October. The Board may set the exact date. The annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing a Board, receiving reports, and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. The Annual meeting shall be posted on our website 14 days prior to meeting.

E. Add the order of an Annual Meeting Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings. The order of business shall include

  1. Call to order and roll call of board members- President
  2. Reading & Approval of Secretary’s Report
  3. Reading & Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  4. Reports of the board and standing committees
  1. Budget
  2. Sponsoring
  3. Fundraising
  4. Equipment
  5. Concessions
  1. Unfinished Business or Old Business
    1. We will email blank budget forms for the November meeting.
    2. Any old business from the prior meeting
    3. Discuss and vote on changing any by-laws necessary for new vote
  1. New Business

         a. Elections for the current year

         b. Vote on any changes for the upcoming season

  1. Adjournment

F. Special Meetings of the Members may be called by the Board or by the Secretary or the President at their discretion. Upon written request of one more than half the Board Members, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the motion of the meeting shall be addressed.

G. A majority of the Regular Members present at the Annual Meeting will rule and be considered a quorum.  All Regular Members shall be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

H. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings. The order of

business shall include:














A. The management of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be vested in a Board. Election of Officers for HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall take place at the first meeting of the Board immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Membership.

  1. Officers of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall include the President, Vice President(s), Treasurer, Secretary Concession Stand Manager, Equipment Manager, Webmaster and 6 Member(s) at Large.
  1. If any vacancy occurs on the Board by death, resignation, or otherwise, the remaining term may be filled by an At Large member.  A special meeting will be called for this purpose.

B. Terms of office for elected members of the Board shall be as follow:

  1. President, Webmaster, 2-Member(s) at Large, will be elected on odd years.

  2. Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Concession Stand Coordinator,4-Member(s) at Large will be elected on even years.

  3. Coordinators are a member of the board which gives them a vote.

C. Office holders may succeed themselves if duly re-elected by the membership of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.

D. There shall be no limit to the number of terms an interested individual may serve.

E. Conduct of the affairs of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be governed by the CONSTITUTION and the BY-LAWS, the provisions of which shall be changed and/or adopted by the Board as set forth in ARTICLE X –AMENDMENTS.

Article VI

The Officers of the Board- DUTIES

The officers of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall consist of a President, Vice President(s),Treasurer, Secretary, Concession Stand Manager, Equipment Manager, Webmaster and Member(s) at Large all of whom shall hold office for the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected

A. The President (ODD YEAR) shall

  1. Conduct the affairs of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE and execute the policies established by the Board.
  1. Present a report of the condition of the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE at the Annual Meeting.
  1. Communicate to the Board, such matters as deemed appropriate, and make suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.
  1. Be responsible for the conduct of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE by nationally affiliated softball organizations.
  1. Designate, in writing, other officers if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, such contracts and leases as may have received prior approval of the Board.
  1. Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE and report thereon to the Board as circumstances warrant.
  1. Sponsorship

            a. Solicit new signage and team sponsors and follow up with letters, visits,

phone calls as necessary.

b. Solicit renewals of signage and team sponsors.

c. Collect money from signage and team sponsors & forward to the treasurer.

d. Provide periodic updates to board.

e. Coordinate field usage.

  1. Co-Chair Opening Day event committee.
  1. Oversee TBall, 8U, 10U, 12U, & 16U Division Coordinators
  1. Ensure the training drills that are provided are being followed
  2. Oversee the development of each age divisions
  3. Recommend to the board, with the assistance of Division Coordinators, those persons to serve as coaches in their respective age divisions.
  1.  Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.
  1. The President may reassign or assume responsibilities of board members when doing so is in the best interest of the league. 

B. The Vice President (EVEN Year) shall:

  1. In the case of the absence or disability of the President so to act, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the duties and powers of that office.
  1. Have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board or by the President.
  1. Chair the Budget Committee which includes monthly meeting with Treasurer/Secretary & President for budget review.
  1. Co-Chair Opening Day Event Committee
  1. Chair Awards Night Event Committee 
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

a.  Organize and schedule Fall Ball for all age divisions

   7.  Contact and be the contact person for a photographer to take team/player pictures on opening day

C. The Secretary (Even Year) shall:

  1. Be responsible for recording the activities of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, and necessary records.
  1. Maintain a list of all Regular, Sustaining, Directors, and committee members and give notice of all meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.
  1. Conduct all correspondence as directed at meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.
  1. Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.
  1. Have final decision over ALL scheduled, re-scheduled games, make-up games, practices, & field use.
  1. Coordinate and Facilitate Registrations.
  1. Collect all mail and disperse checks to treasurer and to coordinate with sponsorship Chair. 
  1. Create forms to be used by Hooksett Girls Softball League.
  1.  Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to the national affiliated softball organizations team rosters, including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit

 10 .Prepare agenda for monthly meetings and provide minutes of said meetings                    

 11. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

 12.  Register HGSL Charter with Babe Ruth by January 31st

 13.   Obtain HGSL Insurance Binder from Babe Ruth by January 31st

G.   The Treasurer (EVEN Year) shall:

  1. Prepare an annual budget under the direction of the president for the submission to the board at the annual meeting.     
  2. Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth and such other duties    as are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board.
  1. Receive all monies from secretary and deposit them in a depository approved by the Board.
  1. Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE including the Concession Stand, approve all payments from allocated funds and draw checks therefore.
  1. Provide an accurate up to date monthly treasury report for every board meeting.  *Move 4 bullets to separate Treasurer Job Description
  1. Any receipts for reimbursements must be given to Treasurer.

 F. The Concessions Stand Coordinator (Even Year) shall:

  1. Develop the menu and pricing.
  1. Directly procure or order supplies and food items.
  1. Create and communicate schedule for volunteer workers.
  1. Be responsible for food preparation and inventory control.
  1. Provide training of directors and volunteers on proper operation.
  1. Be responsible for proper handling of daily income.
  1. Supervise the cleaning of the concession stand.
  1. Maintain the operating equipment
  1. Develop an improved job description for the by-laws.
  1. Provide monies taken in and an accounting of same to the treasurer for deposit. 
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

G.  Member at Large #1 (EVEN Year):

1. Maintain field improvement budget to include incoming funds and expenditures

2. Secure gym times for lessons and practices

3. Close fields at the end of the season

4. Attend Capital Area Meetings when available

5. Attend HGSL Meetings when available

6. Attend HYAA Meetings when available

7. Pursue Field Permits from Town

8. Secure Instructors for Lessons

9. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, ect.

  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year

 H.  Member(s) at Large #2: (Even Year)-

  1. Provide the HGSL sign up flyer
    1. Verify the 4 sign up dates with HGSL board by November meeting.
    2. Have sign up flyer proof approved by the HGSL board by December 1
    3. Verify all information on flyer is correct
    4. Have flyer to SAU by December 15th for authorization before distributions. (Usually takes 48hrs)
    5. Call SAU to confirm flyer is approved and write the person’s name down that authorized it.
    6. Get number of flyers needed for each school. Underhill, Memorial, Cawley and Candia.
    7. Have copies made at the best possible price
    8. Correlate flyers for each school in the quantities they require them.
    9. Deliver flyers to the each school on Monday after December break.
    10. Send email of write up for the banner to HGSL Secretary by December 15th.
    11. Put sign up dates at businesses throughout sign up process.
  1. Provide the HGSL sign up flyer for the final flyer proof by February 3rd
    1. Verify all information on flyer is correct
    2. Have flyer to SAU by February 6th for authorization before distributions. (Usually takes 48hrs)
    3. Call SAU to confirm flyer is approved and write the person’s name down that authorized it.
    4. Get number of flyers needed for each school. Underhill, Memorial, Cawley, and Candia. 
    5. Have copies made at the best possible price
    6. Correlate flyers for each school in the quantities they require them.
    7. Deliver flyers to the each school on the Monday after February school vacation.  This year would be March 2nd *Mandatory*
    8. Send email of write up for the banner to HGSL Secretary by February 20
    9. Put final sign up date at businesses after our 3rd sign up.
  1. Promote HGSL through different sources.
    1. Outside business signs ex. Merchants, Barrett Insurance, Al Terry
    2. Different newspapers
    3. Flyers up at supermarkets, library, local businesses
    4. Please provide list to HGSL of the businesses distributed to.
  1. Promote HGSL to a younger age
    1. Distribute flyers to daycares
    2. Provide list to HGSL of the daycares distributed to.
  1. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, etc..  The Board must vote in as the replacement
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

 I.  Member at Large #3 (EVEN Year):

  1. Chair Opening Day Event
  1. Chair Yearbook Event
  1. Develop an improved job description for the by-laws
  1. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, ect.  The Board must vote in as the replacement
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

 J.  Member at Large #4 Odd Year: 

  1. Oversees  Yearbook Committee
  1. Shall oversee the creation and printing of the HGSL yearbook and be the contact person for any vendors associated with same.
  1. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, ect.
  1.  Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

2020 Proposed Fundraising Events

Event                                                                                      Proposed Allocation of Funds


Hersey Candy Bar Fundraiser                                             General Fund

Cornhole Tournament                                                             HGSL Scholarship fund

Golf Tournament                                                                     General Fund



K.  Member at Large #5 ODD Year:

  1. Assist in Registrations
  1. Develop an improved job description for the by-laws.
  1. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, etc.
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.
  1. Conduct, maintain and manage equipment asset inventory. 
  1. Supervise the distribution and return of equipment to coaches and other officials.

  7. Ensure that equipment is safe for practice and game use. 

   8. Create and maintain an inventory database and provide it at the monthly board meetings. 

   9. Place orders for softball equipment and supplies, and uniforms.

   10. Make sure Babe Ruth patches ordered by March 1st for the upcoming season. 


L.  Member at Large #6 Even Year:  

  1. Provide assistance to the league as needed under the direction of the President and Board.
  1. Assist in Registrations
  1. Member at Large will be responsible for an open board member position if resignation, termination, sickness, etc.
  1. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

M.  Webmaster- Odd year-

  1. Maintain the league website appearance-cleanup old website

   2.  Start new handbook

   3.  Perform weekly updates

   4.  Report news

   5.  Look into putting paid sponsor online

   6.  Find out domain name information 

   7.  Put sponsor artwork into one folder

   8.  Promote league through social media and maintaining all forms of social     media accounts.

   9.  Maintain the Babe Ruth website with the proper HGSL information .

   10. Attend all scheduled board meetings.  Approximately 8 per year.

   11. Provide HGSL background form with the following information.

  1. Copy of background checks with date it was completed.
  2. Copy of Driver’s License
  3. Copy of Babe Ruth test with date it was completed
  4. Provide 1 binder for league
  5. Included information verifying Abuse Prevention Training completion by all coaches and assistant coaches

N.  ANY board member may propose the establishment of a committee(s) to accomplish league tasks when said proposal is in the best interest of the league. 


Managers & Assistant Coaches

A. Managers and Assistant Coaches shall be nominated by the Division Coordinator and must be approved by the Board. All Managers, Assistant Coaches, and persons in direct contact with players must have/pass a background check.  All Managers & Assistant Coaches must pass the Babe Ruth Requirement Coaches test as required by Babe Ruth and/or Cap Area.  All Managers & Assistant Coaches must have the requisite Abuse Prevention Training.   Managers must follow Hooksett Girls Softball League team selection process.

B. All managers and their assistant coaches shall be carefully screened to assure they possess the understanding, patience, stability, and sensitivity to work with youngsters; an essential knowledge of the games superior qualities of leadership, integrity, character and communicative skills worthy of respect and of the trust placed in them.



Affiliation and Rules

A. HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall annually apply for a charter from such national or regional softball organizations, as it deems appropriate or advisable, and shall do all things necessary to obtain and maintain such charter.

B. The official playing rules and regulations as published by the affiliated national softball organizations shall be binding on this league.

C. The League may adopt local rules.


Financial and Accounting

A. The Board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE and it shall place all income, including concessions stand funds, in common league treasury, directing the expenditure of same in such a manner as will give no individual team an advantage over those in competition with such individual team. 

B. The Board shall permit the contribution of funds or property to the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE travel program, to help benefit the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.

C. No Officer of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall receive, directly or indirectly any salary, compensation from HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE for services rendered as an Officer.

D. Disbursements shall be made by check or HGSL debit card. Checks shall be signed by the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PRESIDENT OR VICE PRESIDENT.  Debit transactions may be made via the HGSL debit card by the PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT.  A payment request form along with receipt(s) and/or invoices explaining the reason for the disbursement shall be kept and maintained by the Treasurer.  

E. The fiscal year of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall begin on the first day of September and shall end on the last day of August.

F. Upon dissolution of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the Members shall distribute the property of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE to such other organization or organizations maintaining an objective similar to that set forth herein, which are or may be entitled to exemption under Section 501(c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code or any future corresponding provision.



A. The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Members provided that notice of the proposed change or changes is included in the notice of such meeting.

B. All players must play in appropriate age division according to Babe Ruth guidelines.  The board will consider extenuating circumstances.

C. Players must participate in the recreation league of that year to be eligible for travel season.

D. Notification of tryouts and a schedule will be posted at the time of registration and published in the Sports Section of the HOOKSETT BANNER.

E. All players from outside the geographical boundaries of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE who receive a waiver to play outside their respective leagues, and who seek to play in the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE, must be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

F. Umpire in Chief is acquired from an outside source.

G. The board will elect a Player Agent.  It is recommended the Player Agent does not have a player in the league and is not an appointed officer.  The Player Agent’s role is to be present at any evaluation/ tryouts along with the President or Vice President.  The Player Agent shall appear, in the capacity of an advisor, with the player’s guardian to address any issues with the Board.



A. Notice of the times and places of the meetings of the HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE Board and membership shall be posted on the League website. 

B. Meeting notices shall be posted and listed seven (7) days prior to each meeting, but in no case shall be less than two (2) days on our League Website.  With exception of a special meeting, which no notice needs to be posted.

C. Meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be presided over by the President of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE or in his/her absence, the following officers in order of succession: Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

D. The meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. A Parliamentarian, appointed by the President, shall rule on all points of order, and provide interpretation of the Constitution and By-laws when necessary.

E. A quorum must be present in order for a meeting to begin, but is not required after the start of the meeting. A quorum shall be defined as the number of individuals present at a meeting provided that the total number present is equal to at least one half of the total membership of the Board, plus one.

F. Votes taken at meetings of HOOKSETT GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE shall be determined as either Affirmative or Negative by a Majority of those voting.

G. The Board can vote on the establishment of a committee at any meeting if establishment of said committee is in the best interest of the league. 

Hooksett Girls Softball League

PO Box 16076 
Hooksett, New Hampshire 03106
Phone : 603-759-1469
Email : [email protected]
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