Please follow these instructions carefully during registration. It is recommended you screen shot this for reference as you complete the registration.
Step 1: Select from one of the options below (Player or Parent/Sibling)
Step 2: Login to your account
Step 3: On the right hand side there is a sidebar that has a plus sign (+). If you hover over the plus sign it will say "Add Player"
Step 4: Every player, parent, and sibling will need to have a "player account" created for them.
- The first question will ask for the First Name
- After adding the First Name, there will be a jersey emblem added to the side-bar menu with that first name. Click on that jersey emblem.
- Fill out the required information
- Upon saving the information, you will now be able to register them for the player or parent/sibling registration
Step 5: Select Player Registration for the players, and select Parent/Sibling Registration for all parents and siblings.
Step 6: On the Order Summary Page, be sure to select "+ Payment Option" and select the Payment Plan (Ignore the custom deposit)