
Wee ball: 

Wee ball is a program we offer to 3 year old children. The program allows them to learn the basics of baseball/softball. A tee ball is used. They are on a team (each team receives a shirt and hat-boys, bow-girls (girls may request a hat when coach gets uniform info.). Score is not kept. They play for 3 innings or an hour (whichever comes first). The focus is to teach players where the bases are, to help hand/eye coordination by catching/throwing/hitting, and learning how to take turns and be a good teammate. Parents should expect to stand in field with their child to help keep them in a certain area/position. It is highly recommended that players rotate field positions in a circular motion after each hitter to help keep their attention and to have them take turns in different spots. This also allows different children to try to get the ball when it is hit. Each child is expected to stop at first base when they hit, and move to each base as a new hitter hits. This helps teach them where each base is located. The last batter may run all the way around the bases. It is a good idea to change up this last batter, as everyone wants a 'homerun'! 
Requirements: Please be sure your child has their own glove and helmet. They can share bats, however it is up to the coach to ask another player/parent to use their bat... generally kids bring their own bat. Cleats are not required, but they sure love feeling 'big' with their cleats on! 

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