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The Chargers story begins in 1967 when Bernie Frick along with the help of Pete Troiano, Ed Smith, Tom Teggi and Art Coons started the league. They first called themselves the Badgers. The league founders met at their homes.   At one of the meetings Mrs. Seidman came up with the name "Chargers", the group liked it and it became the league's name from then on. During these first years the team was made up of 7th and 8th graders from Great Barrington, Stockbridge, Sheffield and Egremont. During their first 1969 Southern Berkshire Team year the team went 2-6 beating Lanesboro twice. They also played games against North Adams, Adams and Cheshire. Duke Donsbough, Pete Wilson, Mike Troiano and Jeff Zucchi helped coach in the early years.

Initially the team practiced at the VFW before moving to Memorial Field.Games were also held at Memorial Field before they were permitted to play at Monument Mountain High School. The league raised funds by having players in their jerseys spend week ends outside stores such as Price Chopper, the former Ames and Zayres Department stores collecting donations. The grand prize for the player who collected the most money was a trip to Friendly's for a Jim Dandy!

The 1984 Chargers team was undefeated and in high school the 84' Chargers went on to win the Super Bowl at Springfield College in 1990 defeating Ware 8-6.

The Chargers have continued to grow and  evolve over the years. Today the league takes a very proactive approach to safety by requiring all of our coaches to be certified by the nationally acclaimed USA Football Heads Up Football Program. The league's goal is to promote safe development, teamwork, pride, and sportsmanship through the exciting game of Football.


Southern Berkshire Youth Football

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