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Ridgeland Flag Football

Ridgeland Flag Football






1.       The playing field is 35 x 80 and is divided into 15-yard zones.


2.       Game length is 4 quarters, each lasting 10 minutes, with a running clock.  There will be 3-minute half time in between the 2nd and 3rd quarter.  Each team is allowed (2) 1 ½ minute times outs per half.  (Time outs do not carry over).  At the two-minute warning of the fourth quarter, the clock will stop, and there will be 7 plays total left in the game.  Officials will keep the time clock.


3.       The game begins with a toss of a coin.  Coaches may select team captains at the start of each game to call the coin toss; captains will be allowed to address the officials.  The winning team may elect to begin on offense, or designate which goal the team will defend.  At the start of the second half, the choosing of options is reversed.


4.       The game ball will be the ball you are given with your equipment.


5.       Players may not wear shoulder pads, helmets or steel cleats.  MOUTHPIECES MUST BE WORN.

Players will not be allowed to wear baseball hats. 


6.       Flag belts must be worn by each player on their waistline, with two flags attached (one on each side).  Each team shall have matching pants/shorts.  All players must wear shirts tucked in at all times.


7.       All age groups will play 7 vs 7 


8.       Each child must play at least half of each game, at least one quarter of each half.  There will be substitutions only after change of possession.  If it is felt that a child has not played the minimum time, a written record of time played is to be presented to the coach and the Ridgeland Flag Football League Director.


9.       OFFICIALS:  Ridgeland Flag Football League approved officials are appointed for each game and are responsible for the control of the game.  These Officials are authorized to ask any unruly coaches or spectators to leave the area.  Any such incident will be reported to the Recreation and Parks Athletic Director. 


10.   Only players and coaches of participating teams are allowed on the field during a game.


11.   Coaches may not address game officials during a game except to call a time-out, to ask a question.


12.   One coach is allowed on the field for Offense & Defense.  Coaches should not delay the game.  A delay of game penalty may result.  Once huddle breaks, the coach may not try to coach the players at this point.  Teams will be allowed 30 seconds once the ball has been placed in center to huddle and hike the ball for next play.








  1. Object of the game: The object of the game is to pull the flag off the offensive player-not tackle.  Tackling or other significant contact will result in a major penalty.
  2. To stop a ball carrier, the defensive player must remove one flag from the offensive player’s waist and immediately hold the flag above the head to assist the official in determining the spot where the flag was removed.  If a flag falls off the player carrying the ball, the play is dead when an opposing player touches him.
  3. First downs are made when the offensive team advances the ball to the next zone, regardless of where a team takes possession of the ball.
  4. Removing flags from any offensive player who does not have possession of the ball is illegal, whether intentional or not.
  5. Offensive players must keep their hands behind their back while in the act of blocking.  Blockers may not leave their feet.  Stiff-arming is not allowed on offense or defense.
  6. Offensive line must have at least 4 players on the line of scrimmage.
  7. Defensive: Will be one yard off the ball, and  Only one player is allowed to rush the quarterback, and he must line up 7 yards off the ball
  8. All players must start from a standing position.
  9. Defensive players must use body position to get to get to the ball carrier.  Pushing or grabbing any offensive player is illegal.
  10. Quarterback may not run the ball unless he is being rushed.
  11. No direct snaps to Running Backs, if ball is snapped to him he would be considered the QB.
  12. You can have a man in motion and hand it off to him. Example JET Sweep
  13. All offensive players are eligible to receive a forward pass.
  14. Kickoffs will not be used.  The team who elects to be on the offense first will begin play from the 1st 15-yd zone.
  15. All punts must be declared before the ball is snapped.  No rush may be made to block the punt, and once the punt is declared, the team punting may not attempt to advance the ball.  On the 4th down a team may choose to go for 1st down, physically punt, or elect to have 30yds walked off for the punt.  If physically punted, the ball is down wherever it touches the ground, if caught, the runner may advance.  If elected to have 30yds walked off; the officials will do this.  The 30 yds will not exceed the 1st 15yd zone.
  16. On punts, all players must be on the line of scrimmage except the punter and 2 receivers.  No one may leave the line of scrimmage until the ball has been kicked.  Screen blocking is allowed.
  17. If at any time during a play the ball falls to the ground, the play is immediately dead at that spot.  As a result, there can be no fumble in flag football.
  18. Extra points: 1 point try:  (1) start at the 3 yd line, 2 point try:  (2) start at the 10yd line.


Ridgeland Flag Football
253 W School St 
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157

Phone: 601-853-2011
Email: [email protected]

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