Section 1. The name of the organization is; The Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization.
ARTICLE II – Address
Section 1: 5 Robin Hood Drive, Londonderry NH 03053
ARTICLE III – Objectives and Implementation
Section 1: Objectives
Section 1: Objectives
The objectives shall be to promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, personal integrity, and team cooperation through participation and instruction in the sport of cheerleading and community activities. An additional, yet equally important objective is the involvement of the participant’s family in the organization as well as community activities.
Section 2: Implementation
This objective shall be obtained by providing supervised competition with primary emphasis of development of good citizens and the encouragement of good sportsmanship and secondary emphasis upon winning.
ARTICLE IV – Membership/Meetings
Section 1: Membership
Membership in the organization may be open to the following:
- Parents of registered team members.
- Coaches, Officers, and Board Members.
- Adult Volunteers with Board of Directors approval.
- Participants of established teams of the organization.
Section 2: Meetings
- The organization will meet monthly on a day to be determined by the organization. Meetings canceled due to schedule conflicts, vacations, snow days, holidays, etc. will be rescheduled at the discretion of the President and at least three members of the Board of Directors. Off season meetings shall be scheduled as needed by the President.
- Special meetings may be called at any time by the President with consent of at least three members of the Board of Directors. When realistic, one week’s written/email notice shall be provided to the members of a scheduled special meeting.
- The Annual Business Meeting will be conducted in January. The purpose of the Annual Business Meeting is to provide the members present with a report of the health of the organization, and to conduct elections.
- Voting at any meeting will be done by the Voting Membership, including, Officers, Board of Directors, and Coaches present. Voting at the Annual Meeting for the election of Officers and Board of Directors shall be done by all members of the organization present.
- All members will be notified of meetings and such notice will specify purpose, location and time of meeting.
- All meetings other than Board of Director Meetings shall be open to any member who wishes to attend.
ARTICLE V – Governing Body
All Board Members, Officers and Coaching Staff shall submit to a criminal background check. Any records displaying crimes against minors will be declined. In addition, all Board Members, Officers and Coaching Staff will be required to sign and adhere to a code of conduct. Violations of the code of conduct may result in dismissal and will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 1: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization and are elected by the general membership. The Board shall consist of 5 full members and 1 alternate member. The alternate member will vote in the absence of a full board member. If a board member or officer resigns prior to the end of their term, the current officers, board, and coaches shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next election. Persons elected to replace a board member who has resigned shall be elected to fulfill the balance of the member’s term. If presented with a situation that the organization does not have enough Board members, then the acting staff (President, V.P, Treasurer, Coaches, and Cheer Coordinator) will step in and assume the Board of Directors roles, until the positions are filled.
Section 2: Board Authority
The Board of Directors shall transact all business and enforce all rules of the organization. It shall have full authority to enforce the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization, and shall have the power to settle all disputes and protests. All decisions of the board are final.
Section 3: Meetings
All meetings, whether they be Board of Director meetings, general membership or specially called meetings, shall be conducted following a previously prepared agenda. The Board shall hold meetings when called by the President or when requested by three directors or by written request from at least five members. Board Meeting require a quorum of board members. General meetings require a quorum of both Board Members and Officers. Approval of items/issues outside of planned business may be conducted via email with a minimum of 24 hour notice and request for approval.
Section 4: Quorum
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of the directors. A quorum of officers shall consist of a majority of officers.
Section 5: By Laws
These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed by the voting membership of the Organization. Such changes to the Bylaws will require approval of present voting members at a specially called meeting to consider the changes to the Bylaws. Further, such changes would require 2/3 affirmative vote on the part of the voting members present.
Section 6: Directors
From time to time, the number of Directors may be increased or decreased. No decrease shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incoming Director. Directors in positions eliminated by changes in the Bylaws shall complete the term for which they were elected. Any contract or other transaction between the organization and any of its Directors or any corporation or firm in which any of its Directors is directly or indirectly interested, will be considered appropriate and shall be recognized as valid, provided that the Director abstains from voting when the decision regarding the contract is made.
Section 7: Officers
Officer terms have no term limits and their cycles will be staggered. Term duration for each position is included in the descriptions below. The elected and presiding officers shall consist of the following:
- PRESIDENT – The President shall appoint committees as set out herein and as he/she deems necessary, assign duties to directors and members as required, and take prudent and reasonable action in circumstances not covered within the bylaws. The President shall serve as one of the Londonderry Blue Lions representatives to the parent organization and/ or appoint other organization members to serve as required. The President’s term shall be two (2) years.
- VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President shall conduct the President’s duties in his/her absence and will perform any duties as called upon by the Board of Directors. The Vice President’s term shall be two (2) years.
- TREASURER – The Treasurer shall receive, hold and pay out all monies as directed by the voting membership and/or the board of directors. He/she shall act as a custodian of all financial records of the organization and shall offer at each General Meeting, a formal financial statement containing a breakdown of all monies paid and received, as well as the financial standings of the organization, to include the most current monthly bank statement. The Treasurer’s term shall be three (3) years with the last year mentoring a protégée.
- SECRETARY – The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all General, Annual and Board of Directors Meetings. He/she will preserve all records and communications. At each General meeting, he/she shall present a report of the minutes from the previous meeting at which time the voting members shall accept, modify or reject minutes as written. He/she shall provide and maintain a guest/attendance record for all regular and special meetings. He/she shall conduct all organization correspondence as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Secretary’s term shall be two (2) years.
- CHEERLEADING COORDINATOR – The Cheerleading Coordinator shall have the responsibility of coordinating and developing the cheerleaders for the organization. The Cheerleading Coordinator is also responsible for fitting and ordering uniforms and for all communications (unless otherwise appointed) to the cheerleading parents and participants. The Cheerleading Coordinator may appoint an assistant as necessary. He/she (or an appointed assistant) is also responsible for all fund raising for the organization. The Cheerleading Coordinator’s term shall be three (3) years with the last year mentoring a protégée.
Section 8: Removal from Office
Officers and Board members will be subject to removal from office if Three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings are not attended or a total of five (5) meetings are missed during one calendar year. The current officers, board, and coaches shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next election. Persons elected to replace a member who has been removed shall be elected to fulfill the balance of the member’s term.
Section 9: Control of Funds
All funds belonging to the organization, which are collected by Board Members, Officer, Coaches, or designee of the organization, shall be logged in the financial ledger. All monies must be deposited within ten business days from collection if funds exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). The Treasurer is authorized to establish and maintain both a checking and savings accounts in the name of the organization. The monies paid out from the organization shall have (2) signatures for each personal transaction. The monies paid out from the organization shall have one signature for a vendor transaction.*The payee may not endorse the check.
All spending that is not budgeted or planned requires a 2/3 Board of Directors approval. All payments must be made by the organization checking account. NO CASH TRANSACTIONS unless the transaction is under two hundred dollars ($200.00) and a receipt is signed off by one of the following listed above. Receipts for Blue Lions purchases shall be kept separate from personal purchases when possible. A request for reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer within two (2) weeks of purchase. Requests for reimbursement beyond 2 weeks of the purchase will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All monies collected for fundraising and registration will be collected by one of the following:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Cheerleading Coordinator
- Board of Directors
- Designated Individual (s)
A duplicate receipt will be given to all payees detailing amount received, dated and signed for amounts over $200.
Section 1: Board of Directors Responsibilities
The Board of Directors recognizes that the coaches are the nucleus of the organization and without their dedication to serve as The Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization coaches, the Organization would not exist. The Board further recognizes that individuals who coach in the Organization will have the opportunity to instill certain values and disciplines of the young individuals who make up the teams. These values and disciplines include but not limited to; respect, sportsmanship, community involvement, and teamwork. Because of the importance of the position of coach and assistant coach, the Board of Directors recognizes that it has an obligation to the membership and the teams to carefully screen individuals applying for these positions.
Section 2: Coaches Evaluation
In order to meet its obligation, the board of directors, officers, and current coaches shall evaluate each returning as well as each new coach. The coaches will be evaluated in the following areas:
- References provided by a new coach.
- Past behavior as a coach.
- Dedication by the coach to the ideals of The Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization.
Section 3: Approval of Coaches and Assistants
The Board of Directors, officers, and current coaches will approve a final list of all Coaches and Assistant Coaches. All coaching applicants must fill out a coaching form. No person will be approved to coach for the Londonderry Blue Lions Cheerleading Organization without signing this form. Following a 6 month probationary period, current Coaches and Board Members, officers, and current coaches will provide final approval of all new applicants.
Section 4: Coaches Responsibilities
All Coaches are responsible for seeing that their assistant coaches, participants and participant’s parents conduct themselves in such a way as to obtain the objective and purpose of this organization. All coaches will work together (as a team) for continuous support and growth of themselves and participants. All coaches will have weekly communications with each other to discuss improvements for participants/teams.
Section 5: Squad/Team
Membership permitting, teams may consist of Silver, Blue, Black and White. Teams will have “placements” based on age/grade to establish their roster. The final roster will determine the number and size of teams.
Section 6: Final Roster
No person who is eligible for the team will be a member of the team until his or her name is placed on the final roster. All required paperwork and registration agreements must be completed and submitted before any person is placed on the final roster. The final roster will be established at the discretion of the coaching staff.
ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees
The standing committee(s) may consist of the following: Membership, Publicity, Chaperone, Fundraising, Banquets, Refreshments, and such other committees for special activities as may be voted by the members. The Vice President, Cheer Coordinator, or appointed assistant shall serve as the Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee. The President shall appoint the Chairperson of each committee and the Chairperson shall appoint members to his/her own committee. A majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum for all standing committees.
ARTICLE VIII – Elections
Elections shall be held annually in January. Nominations for open offices will be accepted by any current member. When nominations are closed, if there is only one nomination for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors positions, those nominated shall be declared elected; otherwise a secret ballot shall be taken for those positions with multiple nominees. The Officers and Directors elected at the January meeting will take office immediately. Any committee appointed for special activities shall continue to function until the completion of such activities.
ARTICLE IX – Amendments
The by-laws of the organization will be reviewed on an annual basis. The by-laws may be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of the voting membership present after 25 day notice to each Voting Member. Notice is sufficient if it is either mailed to the Voting Member at the last known address provided to the organization or by email communication. Voting on amendments may be done either in person at the next monthly meeting or by proxy vote prior to the next monthly meeting.
ARTICLE X – Conflict of Interest
Any possible conflict of interests on the part of any member of the Board, Officer or Coach of the organization shall be disclosed in writing to the Board and made a matter of record during the next scheduled Board Meeting when the interest involves the organization or a specific issue before the Board. Where the transaction involving a board member, trustee or officer exceeds five hundred dollars ($500) but is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in a fiscal year, a two thirds vote of the disinterested is required. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made, the abstention from voting, and the actual vote itself. Every new member of the Board will be advised of this policy upon entering the duties of his or her office. The Board will comply with all requirements of the New Hampshire law in this area and the New Hampshire requirements are incorporated into and made a part of this policy statement.
ARTICLE XI – Member Compensation
No Monies from the Londonderry Blue Lions Organization or from an outside member may be paid to the Londonderry Blue Lions staff/member for their associated services, unless approved by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE XII – Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the organization and after payment of just debts and liabilities, the assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.
November 8, 2011
October 3, 2016