Thank You for the Great Fall Soccer Season
Spring 2025 Registration will open in March
"HVL REC League Tuesday Thursday" 6:30--7:30
(2013/14/15) (2016/2017) (2018-2019)
"HVL Jr League Wednesday" 6:30--7:30
2024 Season Spring Format .
Season Kicks off Mid April will run through May
Kids born years 2020/21 No Goalies 3v3 or 4v4 depending on number of coaches available (Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 7:30)
Kids born years 2018/19. No Goalies 3v3 or 4v4 depending on number of coaches available (Tuesday and or Thursday Evening 6:30 -7:30)
Kids born years 2016/17 will play 7v7 with goalies (Tuesday and Thursday Evening 6:30 -7:30)
Kids born years 2013/14/15 will play 6v6 with goalies if possible. Depends on Number of players registered. (Tuesday and or Thursday Evening 6:30 -7:30)
All Soccer activties will take place at the HVL Sports Fields.