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Winning is the result of Teamwork through Sportsmanship
This Code of Conduct has been adopted for the safe and enjoyable experience for all involved.

Tooele Girls Softball Player Code of Conduct

1.   I will behave appropriately at practices, games and tournaments and understand I represent the Tooele Girls Softball Organization.

2.   I will respect the officials, coaches of all teams, teammates, other players, volunteers, all spectators and property.

3.   I will not swear, make inappropriate gestures, or disrupt games by arguing or harassing spectators, other teams, or officials.

4.   I will respect coach’s decisions as to playing time for each player & positions played.

5.   I will respect umpire’s decisions. 

6.   I can/will play aggressively, but not dirty, practice the same as you play in a game.

7.   I will support my teammates and coaches. I understand that jealousy, backstabbing and gossip about teammates and coaches are unacceptable behaviors.

8.   I will encourage good sportsmanship, & will not criticize players, coaches, umpires or league officials by word of mouth or gestures, either during the game or thereafter, either directly or indirectly, which includes electronic communication, including, but not limited to, email, texting, Social Media and/or media. 

9.    I will not trash talk spectators or other opponents.

10. I will be on time for practices and games.  If I cannot make a game or practice, I will give my coach sufficient notice so he/she can make appropriate changes.

11. I will bring any problem with another player, coach, umpire, or fan to the direct attention of a coach or league official. When reporting incident do so within 48 hours.

Consequences or Non-Compliance to Player Code of Conduct:

If a player does not, cannot or will not comply with the guidelines of the above stated contract OR team rules specified by the head coach, the head coach may:

1.   Bench the player.

2.   Reduce playing time.

Or, if the player consistently ignores the Code of Conduct, the CLGFS Board may:

1.   Remove the player from the team for the remainder of the season.

2.   Review the status of the player for the following season.


Coaches, parents and spectators must be an example of sportsmanship and citizenship, on and off the field, for players to follow.  The following shall apply to all coaches, parents and spectators for all travel and recreation teams:

1. Be supportive of all players (including your own child), coaches, umpires and league officials and treat them with respect at all times.

2. Respect coach’s decisions as to playing time for each player, and position played.

3. Respect umpire’s decisions.

4. Will not criticize players, coaches, umpires or league officials by word of mouth or gestures, either during the game or thereafter, either directly or indirectly, which includes electronic communication, including, but not limited to, email, texting, Social Media and/or media.

5. Booing, taunting, trash-talking, or profane/vulgar language will not be tolerated either directly (i.e., on-field) or indirectly (i.e., off-field) through social media or electronic communication.

7. No coach or parent condone, unnecessarily rough play or tactics that may place any player in potential harm.

8. I will respect the rules & codes of the fields, ballparks, and all locations where playing or practicing and abide by their rules. 

9. I will be supportive of my player/s & show respect for coaches and be on time for practices and games.  If I cannot make a game or practice, I will make accommodations &/or give the coach sufficient notice so he/she can make appropriate changes.

10.  I will bring any problem with another player, coach, umpire, or fan to the direct attention of a coach or league official. When reporting incident do so within 48 hours.

Code of Conduct violations may result in ejection, suspension and/or forfeiture of postseason play in Tooele Softball participation in subsequent years may also be affected.


Tooele Girls Softball
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