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Lakeside Youth Lacrosse Association

Lakeside Youth Lacrosse Association

Some Questions we know are on your mind...

Why did the Registration Fees increase this year?

It all comes down to the cost of using fields these days.  As part of the East Georgia Youth Lacrosse league, each team is required to help pay for the Game Day fields, as well as the Practice fields we play on.  On both levels, we saw an increase in usage fees. Our sponsors do help to keep ALL of the increases from being passed on to the families, but unfortunately, we had to increase the Registration Fee.

Why GroupMe and not Remind?

There are a few reasons.  The first is that the schools use Remind and we don't want to overwhelm anyone with MORE Remind alerts.  Another is simply the functionality of the GroupMe platform. Using GroupMe, someone can ask a question- and EVERYONE can see it.  This keeps one person (our Queen, Kelly) from having to answer each question individually and directly.  Not only can everyone see the question, but anyone answer the question AND everyone else can see that answer.  As a Board, we are just parents trying to manage the day to day as well, so this was a change to help us as much as help you.

How can I help?

During every Home game, Lakeside Youth Lacrosse will be responsible for the Concession Stand.  We will beg for volunteers, so be on the lookout. 

What equipment will my child need?

For Boys:
Lacrosse stick (Players over 10: 40-42" or 52-72" for Long stick
Protective cup
Arm Pads
Shoulder Pads

For Girls:
Women's Lacrosse stick

USA Lacrosse has a great document found HERE

I heard there were new chest protector requirements- do we need to purchase new pads?

Not yet, however if purchasing new or used chest protector, know they should meet the new requirements if you plan to get more than on year out of them.

The use of goalie chest protectors that meet the NOCSAE performance standard, ND200, is now mandatory in the USA Lacrosse boys’ and girls’ youth rules, the NFHS boys’ and girls’ high school rules, and the NCAA men’s and women’s rules. Beginning in 2022, boys’ and men's field players must also wear chest protection that meets the ND200 standard.

Registration FAQ's

Sports Connect Registration FAQ's  HERE

I received an error entering my players USA Lacrosse Registration number.  What is going on?

Your players USA Lacrosse number must be good through the end of the season (set at 1/15/22).  If the current membership expires PRIOR to January 15, 2022, you will need to renew that membership.

You will need to validate a few items within your US Lacrosse account, and make sure they match exactly with the information on your Sports Connect account. The items you need to validate are:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Membership Expiration Date (must valid until after the season end date)

What if I have signed my player up through another organizations Sports Connect site- Do I use the same log in?

Yes. If you have created a username/password combination with any Sports Connect site in the past (whether yesterday or 10 years ago), you are able to use it on any new organization you are a part of.


Lakeside Youth Lacrosse Association
Evans, Georgia  

Email: [email protected]

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