Located in Fairfield, Ohio, Fairfield Area SAY Soccer is a non-profit, volunteer recreational organization for the children in the Fairfield – Fairfield Township area. We are a Soccer Association for Youth (SAY) affiliated organization and subscribe to their youth game modifications and league ideology.
Our league focuses on giving players an opportunity to have fun and play the game of soccer. All kids get to play regardless of ability or experience – in fact, they will play at least half the game.
Fairfield Area SAY Soccer players learn what the game of soccer is all about - the sportsmanship, the team work, the skills, and the sheer exhilaration that comes with playing the game of soccer.
Each year in August we ask our coaches to attend a coaching clinic the first Sat. in August.
Fairfield SAY will interplay with the Hamilton and SAY North leagues as needed.
Our field location is 194 Joe Nuxhall Way Fairfield OH 45014