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Jun, 2021

Proposed Bylaws

East Haddam Soccer Club Bylaws


The official name of the organization is the East Haddam Soccer Club (hereinafter referred to as “EHSC”).


The principal purpose of the EHSC is to provide year round youth soccer programs for the residents of East Haddam with the goals of fostering good sportsmanship, developing players into skilled team members and positive role models on and off the field, and encouraging an interest in the sport of soccer.


Section 1: Membership Categories

The EHSC shall consist of three categories of membership: (1) Youth Player members, (2) Supporting members, and (3) Directors.

Youth Player Members:

Youth Player Members of the EHSC shall include each youth player of EHSC who is in good standing and registered for one or more of the official soccer seasons: Fall, Winter or Spring. Youth Players shall be in good standing if they abide by the EHSC player rules and have paid any current and past registration and player dues, including any uniform fees.

Supporting Members:

Supporting Members of the EHC shall include the parents or legal guardians of each registered player, coaches, and assistant coaches.

Supporting member parents and legal guardians shall be limited to the parents and legal guardians of one or more registered youth players in good standing.


The Board of Directors of the EHSC shall consist of the: President, Club Representative, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar.

Section 2: Voting Privileges

Voting privileges shall be granted to Supporting members and Directors. However, Supporting members shall be limited to one vote per family for each voting issue.

ARTICLE IV: Dues & Finance

EHSC registration dues and uniform fees shall be voted on at the Annual meeting. The dues shall be included in all registration materials and on the Registration page of the EHSC website.

Members may apply for a financial hardship waiver. The President in partnership with the Treasurer shall review and decide whether to approve or deny all membership requests for financial hardship with respect to dues or uniform fees.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the EHSC shall be held on a quarterly basis (one in March, one in June, one in September and one in December).

Regular meetings will be open to all EHSC members and the general public, except that meetings or portions of meetings shall be closed to all persons other than the EHSC Board of Directors where the EHSC Board of Directors are: (1) acting as an appeals committee, (2) discussing whether to take action to remove a member, including a member of the EHSC Board of Directors, (3) taking action to remove a member, including a member of the EHSC Board of Directors, (4) discussing any issue that requires an executive session, or (5) voting on EHSC expenditures.

Section 2: Annual Meeting

The Annual meeting of the EHSC shall be held no later than the middle of February of each year at a date, location and time selected during the December regular meeting by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. If the Registrar is unable to secure the desired location for the Annual meeting, then the Registrar shall select and arrange for another similarly convenient location at the desired date and time.

Section 3: Special Meetings

A special meeting may be called at the written request of at least three members of the Board of Directors, or at the written request of at least six members with voting privileges giving detailed reasons for such a meeting, or by the President on his/her own in an emergency. Such special meeting shall not occur sooner than seven (7) days from the date of a written request, except in an emergency. Written notice of the date, time and location of any special meeting shall be emailed to voting members and posted on the EHSC website at least seven (7) days before the special meeting.

Section 4: Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a simple majority vote of the voting members physically present at the meeting wherein the vote occurs.

Section 5: Notice & Minutes of Meetings


Written notice of the date, time and location of all meetings shall be posted on the EHSC website and sent by email to the last known email address of the voting members at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting date, except in the case of special meetings. Written notice other than notice of meetings shall be by US mail, email or posting on the EHSC website.


Minutes shall be taken and recorded at each meeting. All meeting minutes shall be submitted to the Secretary of the EHSC and included in the EHSC’s records. Meeting minutes may be posted on a members-only page of the EHSC website, which page requires members to log-in to their EHSC website account.

ARTICLE VI: Board of Directors

Section 1: Composition & Duties


The President shall preside over all regular, annual and special EHSC meetings. If unable to attend a regular, annual or special meeting, the Club Representative shall preside at such meeting. If the President and Club Representative are both unable to attend a regular, annual or special meeting, then the President will appoint another member of the Board of Directors to chair the meeting. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and shall supervise and control all of the business affairs of the EHSC, including all business with officials and departments of the Town of East Haddam, the District, the State, the League, and National soccer associations. The President shall along with the Treasurer, be a signatory(ies) of all bank accounts of the EHSC. The President shall along with the Club Representative, Treasurer and Registrar ensure that the Southeast Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (SCJSA) receives all required documentation and payment specific to the EHSC in a proper and timely manner, including but not limited to Club Affiliation forms and annual fees. The President shall attend SCJSA meetings as the EHSC voting member. If unable to attend a SCJSA meeting, the Club Representative shall attend such meeting as the EHSC voting member. The President, Club Representative and Treasurer shall ensure that EHSC’s non-profit status is verified and updated annually or as otherwise required by the State and/or Federal Government. The President in partnership with the Treasurer shall review and decide whether to approve or deny all membership requests for financial hardship with respect to dues or uniform fees. The outgoing President shall support the transition of the newly elected and appointed EHSC President.

Club Representative

The Club Representative shall assist the President, as requested by the President, in fulfilling the President’s duties as outlined above. The Club Representative shall also assume the position of President in the event of the President’s vacancy during a term, as discussed in Section 4 below. The Club Representative shall along with the President, Treasurer and Registrar ensure that the SCJSA receives all required documentation and payment specific to the EHSC in a proper and timely manner, including but not limited to Club Affiliation forms and annual fees. The Club Representative shall attend any SCJSA meeting that the President is unable to attend. The Club Representative in partnership with the President and Treasurer shall ensure that EHSC’s non-profit status is verified and updated annually or as otherwise required by the State and/or Federal Government. The Club Representative shall support the transition of the newly elected and appointed EHSC Club Representative.


The Secretary shall record the minutes of all regular, annual and special meetings and shall be responsible for any and all correspondence on behalf of the EHSC, as directed by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall be responsible for storing and retrieving all meeting minutes and correspondence. The Secretary shall not make meeting minutes that contain personally identifiable information (PII) or issues of personal sensitivity public unless such information is redacted. However, the Secretary shall make such information available if required by State or Federal law or regulations. The Secretary shall schedule all regular, annual and special meetings, including booking the location for such meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring proper and timely notice is provided before all regular, annual and special meetings, as required by these bylaws, and as otherwise required by law. The Secretary will ensure notices and approved meeting minutes are posted to the EHSC’s website. The Secretary shall no later than fourteen (14) days after an EHSC election, prepare and sign a certificate of election listing the names of all those elected to office during the annual or special meeting. The outgoing Secretary shall support the transition of the newly elected and appointed EHSC Secretary, including but not limited to ensuring the incoming Secretary has access to all meeting minutes and correspondence from the previous year.


The Treasurer shall be primarily responsible for overseeing all financial duties of the EHSC, including but not limited to maintaining EHSC’s books and financial records, the depositing and withdrawing of funds and the maintenance of accounts in such bank accounts, trust companies or other depositories. The Treasurer shall along with the President, be a signatory(ies) of all bank accounts of the EHSC. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining, securing, issuing and filing all financial transactions and required tax documents for the EHSC. The Treasurer shall along with the President, Club Representative and Registrar ensure that the SCJSA receives all required documentation and payment specific to the EHSC in a proper and timely manner, including but not limited to SCJSA forms and annual fees. The Treasurer, President and Club Representative shall ensure that EHSC’s non-profit status is verified and updated annually or as otherwise required by the State and/or Federal Government. The Treasurer in partnership with the President shall review and decide whether to approve or deny all membership requests for financial hardship with respect to dues or uniform costs. The Treasurer shall in partnership with the President obtain and maintain required insurance coverage, including making any payments for such coverage. The Treasurer shall provide a written and verbal report of the EHSC’s financial status, including expenditures and revenues at each Regular meeting. At each annual meeting, the Treasurer shall provide a written and verbal report of the EHSC’s financial status, including expenditures, revenues, dues, uniform costs, field maintenance costs, insurance costs, and other current and future budgetary considerations. The Treasurer shall be responsible for creating a written budget proposal for the upcoming year, which budget shall be available for review by the members at least fourteen (14) days before the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall post the annual budget proposal on the EHSC’s website. The outgoing Treasurer shall support the transition of the newly elected and appointed EHSC Treasurer, including but not limited to ensuring the incoming Treasurer has access to all financial statements, reports, and account information including passwords for such bank accounts, trust companies or other depositories. The outgoing Treasurer shall promptly complete any required paperwork and forms to transfer signatory status on all such accounts from the outgoing Treasurer to the incoming Treasurer.


The Registrar shall be responsible for establishing the registration requirements and timelines for all EHSC members. The Registrar shall ensure the rules and registration guidelines, including but not limited to age verification and concussion forms are consistent with the SCJSA’s rules. The Registrar shall properly format, acquire, secure and maintain the registration data for each soccer season. The Registrar shall properly and securely safeguard any age verification documentation, medical information, or other PII received, and ensure the proper destruction of such information at such time as the PII is no longer needed. The Registrar shall ensure that any PII received for members of the EHSC is encrypted or otherwise stored in a secure manner pursuant to State and/or Federal regulations. The Registrar shall along with the President, Club Representative and Treasurer ensure that the SCJSA receives all required documentation and payment specific to the EHSC in a proper and timely manner, including but not limited to Club Affiliation forms and annual fees. The Registrar shall coordinate with the Referee Assignor and coaches to ensure all required documentation is obtained and communicated, including compliance with the SCJSA’s rules for approving and registering coaches and volunteers. To the extent, CPR or other training is required before individuals can serve as coaches or referees for the EHSC, the Registrar shall communicate such requirements and maintain documents showing compliance with and completion of all such requirements and trainings. The Registrar shall submit all team rosters to the SCJSA registrar for approval on a timely basis and shall be the designated EHSC representative for the purposes of signing all approved rosters. The Registrar shall be responsible for providing team rosters to the SCJSA for purposes of insurance coverage. The Registrar shall print and laminate player ID photo cards for new and returning players. The outgoing Registrar shall support the transition of the newly elected and appointed EHSC Registrar, including but not limited to ensuring the incoming Registrar has access to all required forms, templates, databases, software and passwords.  

Section 2: Election and Terms of Office

President: Three (3) years, with the opportunity to be elected for one (1) additional three (3) year term.

Club Representative: Three (3) years, with the opportunity to be elected for one (1) additional three (3) year term.

Secretary: Two (2) years, with the opportunity to be elected for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

Treasurer: Two (2) years, with the opportunity to be elected for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

Registrar: Two (2) years, with the opportunity to be elected for one (1) additional two (2) year term.

Section 3: Election Schedules

The three (3) year terms of the President and Club Representative shall begin in alternate years. For example, if the President’s term is from February 2021 - February 2024, the Club Representative’s term shall be from February 2020 - February 2023.

The two (2) year terms of the Secretary and Treasurer shall begin in alternate years. For example, if the Secretary’s term is from February 2020 – February 2022, the Treasure’s term shall be from February 2021 – February 2023.

The two (2) year term of the Registrar shall be on the same schedule as that of the Secretary.

Section 4: Vacancies

Should the President position become vacant for any reason, including but not limited to death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal, the Club Representative shall assume the position of President for the rest of the current term. At the conclusion of the current term, the serving President shall be eligible at the annual meeting to be considered for re-election for one additional term.

Should any EHSC Board of Director position, other than the President, become vacant for any reason, including but not limited to death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal, the remaining Board of Directors may by majority vote nominate and elect, at a special meeting to fill such vacancy, an EHSC member to fill such vacancy. Any Board of Director elected in this manner shall serve in such position until the end of the current term for such position. At the conclusion of the current term, such member shall be eligible to be considered for re-election for one additional term.


The fiscal year of the EHSC shall commence on the first day of January and end on December 31st of each year.


The EHSC shall be operated and maintained as an educational and charitable not for profit and tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


No member of the EHSC shall take any action on behalf of the EHSC that is not permitted to be taken by an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.


The President and Treasurer shall be the signatory(ies) to all bank accounts of the EHSC. Any check in an amount greater than a specified amount to be determined at each Annual meeting shall require the signatures of both the President and the Treasurer. Any check in an amount equal to or less than the specified amount shall require one signature (either the signature of the President or the Treasurer).

No EHSC member, including youth player members, sponsor members, the Board of Directors, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the EHSC’s net earnings or pecuniary profits from the operations of the EHSC, or share in the distribution of the EHSC or its assets, except that payment may be made to any such person for reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the EHSC and affecting any of the purposes as shall by determined by the Board of Directors.


The EHSC may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at any membership meeting called for the purpose of dissolution. Notice of a meeting to discuss and vote on dissolution shall be provided at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting.

If the EHSC is dissolved, then any assets of the EHSC shall be provided at the direction of the Board of Directors by majority vote to one or more non-profit organizations in or around the town of East Haddam or the SCJSA dedicated to youth soccer, including but not limited to East Haddam’s Department of Parks & Recreation.


The EHSC bylaws or any part of the EHSC bylaws as stated herein may be amended, modified, repealed, or replaced by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members physically present at the Annual meeting or a special meeting called to vote on such changes to the bylaws. The proposed changes to the bylaws and notice of the meeting to vote on such changes to the bylaws shall be provided in writing at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting to all voting members by email and posting on a members-only page of the EHSC website, which page requires members to log-in to their EHSC website account.

Technical corrections to the bylaws, such as spelling, grammatical, typographical, syntax or punctuation changes may be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Competition Level

EHSC plays against other clubs in the Southeastern District at the recreational or more competitive division depending on the overall skill level for a particular team.

Section 2: Uniforms

All youth player members must wear to each game a complete team uniform (shorts, jersey, socks), as selected by the Board of Directors. Uniform selections shall not change between seasons in a given year, such that the uniform shall be the same in the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons of a given year. In addition, all youth player members shall be required to wear shin guards at all practices and games. Youth player members shall be encouraged, though not required, to wear cleats at all practices and games.  

Members may apply for a financial hardship waiver for the uniform fees. The President in partnership with the Treasurer shall review and decide whether to approve or deny all membership requests for financial hardship with respect to uniform fees.

Section 3: Community Considerations

Whenever possible, the EHSC shall coordinate with East Haddam’s Department of Parks & Recreation and East Haddam’s Public Schools to provide youth soccer programs that are not offered by such other organizations, either based on age, skill level or competiveness.

East Haddam Soccer Club

PO Box 429 
Moodus, Connecticut 06469
Email : [email protected]
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