2017 JCUMC Summer Basketball Camps
July 24th - 28th and July 31st - August 4th
For rising 1st grade through 8th grade for 2017-18 school year.
$125.00 9AM-12:30PM
Registration is NOW Open - Register through your account on this site.
2017 Summer Soccer Camp
June 26th - June 30th
For rising 4 year olds through 8th grade for 2017-18 school year
Mini Soccer 3-4 yrs. 9-10:30AM $115.00
Half Day 5-9 yrs. 9-12PM $150.00
Half Day 10-14 yrs. 9-12PM $150.00
Full Day 7-14 yrs. 9-4PM $210.00
Mini Soccer 3-4 Yrs. 10:40am- 12:10PM $115.00
Campers should bring plenty of water, sunscreen and a snack. Full day campers require a packed lunch!
[email protected]
To register - CLICK HERE