Coaches' Corner
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League Rules
Game Rules
Playing Time
Coach Expectations
Player Expectations
Another amazing season is on the horizon, and we can't wait for team practices to begin!
Sharon Presbyterian values youth and their families and has joined Metrolina Ministries Youth Basketball League for the 2024-2025...
VBS is June 17-21, 2024!
Eleven Sharon Presbyterian teams will test the skills they have been learning in games on Saturday, December 3rd. Games are schedu...
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who have stepped up to coach this season. Most teams are full, but we may have space for...
We need a few more coaches before we can launch registration, and if you are willing to help an amazing group of kids grow to lo...
Christine Price Outreach Center ...
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Pritchard at South End (Memorial...
First Baptist Fit Club
The Carole Hoefener Center
Johnson & Wales University Wildc...
Sharon Presbyterian Church Youth Basketball 5201 Sharon Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28210
Phone: 704-553-0869 Email: [email protected]