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Pre-Recorded Training
A sponsor can do a sponsorship for $250.00 this will allow your business to have a banner at the girls softball fields for a year....
Practice days and times depends on the coach of each team. Practice days are generally Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's time is a...
The draft will be tonight at 6pm at the clubhouse between fields 1-4 This is only for coaches and or assistants of needed. Within...
1- Player $95.00 2- Players $145.00 3- Playera $195.00 First time players must submit a copy of child's birth certificate.
GSACC always accepts all new and gently used softball equipment. This is a way to give back to our community girls. The equipme...
If you would like to coach this season or help assist please make sure to mark on the registration form.
2022 Fall Registration begins 7/25/22 through 8/29/22
Southside Sports Complex
GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION OF COLUMBIA COUNTY GSACC League President, Bobby GriffisLake City, Florida 32055
Phone: 386-984-0734 Email: [email protected]