
News Detail


Jan, 2021


Little League Baseball Sponsorship
Dear Corporate Baseball Sponsor:
The 2021 Nelson County Little League Baseball/Softball season is a little less than two months away and the League would like to invite you to support the boys and girls participating in little league baseball and softball by becoming a corporate team or league sponsor this season.
In 2019, the Nelson County Little League served approximately 600 children, ages 4-12, and their families in Nelson County, playing both baseball and softball. In addition, the league hosted several baseball tournaments throughout the spring and summer, providing youth athletics to several hundred more children and several thousand fans and visitors from both Nelson County and areas outside the county.
The League has made several improvements to the baseball and softball facilities at Dean Watts Park and continues to have financial need to improve the quality of youth sports for children in the future, with your support. With a $250 donation, your company can have its name screen printed on the uniform of a league team and worn by every player on that team at every game or your company can have its logo and name printed on a sign that shall be hung upon the outfield fence of one of the five fields at the park, in full view of all spectators and fans at every game. If you want to do both the uniform and sign the price would be $450. New this year, we have a web page, Not only will your logo be either printed on jerseys or a banner, but it will also be posted on our website. This is included in the price of either option. At the bottom of the website, there is a link for sponsors. Your logo will be attached and when the logo is clicked, it will take anyone directly to either your own website or your Facebook. We are excited to offer a direct link to all of our sponsors.
Your donation is tax deductible. Won’t you consider supporting youth baseball and softball in Nelson County by donating this season? If you wish to support our league you can email us at [email protected] or message us on Nelson County Little League Facebook.

Local Sponsors


Nelson County Little League, Dean Watts Park Spencer Mattingly Rd
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004

Phone: 502-000-0000

Email: [email protected]