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Adult Soccer League Overview


Welcome and Why An Adult Soccer League - 
Welcome to the newest and nicest Adult Soccer League being played at the multi-use park called Brook Run Park.  A 1
00-plus acre wooded park offering a dog park, walk/run path, skate park, large children's playground, trails, amphitheater and a community garden.  We boast two well constructed artificial, lighted, turf fields with restroom facilities and concessions stand.  Whether you like to stand on the sideline or stand high up in the central perch area, you can feel like you are a part of Adult Soccer League Experience. 
We want to create the most enjoyable soccer experience that includes a safe, memory making, competitive environment that matches up with the needs of all ages and levels of play for our GAME.    
Click here to see Video of Adult Soccer League 

Who and Where - 
This amazing experience is being sponsored and managed by Rush Union Soccer or R/U.  You can find us at the Brook Run Park soccer fields located at 4770 N Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338. The soccer fields are at the very back of the park. 
Just keep going on S. Georgia Way and that road will dead end at the soccer field parking lot. 
Alternate back entrance: Use 4594 Barclay Drive Dunwoody 30338.

When and How - 
Our inaugural season started with a Co-Ed Adult Soccer League in January 2021. 
In March, we continued into the spring season and more than doubling the number of teams participating! 
The cost per player is $70.  Teams will need a minimum of 10 players, with a maximum of 16 players.
The play will be 8 vs 8 format with 1 goal keeper and 7 field players. 
There is no off-side and no slide tackling. 
Matches will be 24 minute halves with a 2-5 minute halftime. 
For information on our league rules, please click on this link.
2021-2022 Adult League Soccer Rules

I Want To Join for Spring (Player or Coach) - 
If you are the head coach, you can use the Head Coach portal (BELOW) to register yourself as coach, name your team and send an email invitation to your players that they can follow to get registered.
If you are interested in playing, but don't have a team, you are in luck as we have a free agent pool.  Please use the player registration portal (BELOW) to sign up and we will help you get linked to a team.   
Please see the video link to help guide you through the Registration process
  Click here to learn about Registration Process for Head Coach/Free Agent Players



If you are interested in coaching and or playing and know the team you want to join,
click HERE to register.  Be sure to indicate the Team Name you want to join during the process.

If you are interested in playing, but don't have a team, you are in luck as we have a free agent pool. 
Click HERE to register.  Be sure to indicate FREE AGENT during the process.


For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Current Season Schedule
Come out on Monday nights to watch our Men's 40-55 League
Come out on Wednesday nights to watch our Co-Ed League.


Head Coaches/Captains - Register Your Team Here !!!

Register Now

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Free Agent Player Registration Here!

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

R/U Champions Corner

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Winter 2022 Co-Ed Division Blue
Los Frijoles

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Fall 2021 Co-Ed Division 1
Team Dragon

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Fall 2021 Co-Ed Division 2 
Jack's Sparrows

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Fall 2021 Men's 40-55
What's up Dunwoody?

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Summer 2021 Co-Ed Division 1
Los Frijoles

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Summer 2021 Co-Ed Division 2

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Summer 2021 Men's Division 1
What's Up Dunwoody?

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Spring 2021 Co-Ed Division 1
About To Get Messi!

R/U Adult Soccer League Champions
Winter 2021 Co-Ed Division 1
NetSix & Chill

2022 Adult League Schedule


Birth Year Range

Days Played

Game Times

Field Number(s)

Co - Ed

2004-1962 (18-60)

Wednesday Nights

7pm, 8pm,9pm, start


Men's 40-55

1988 - 1966    (40-55)Monday Nights7pm, 8pm start2A/2B

All Women’s
