C&C Soccer is offering a variety of camps this summer for recreation, intermediate and competitive players. The camps will be run by Coach Keith White or the Ed Callaghan coaching team.
Sign up or get more info, please reach out to [email protected].
All Camps held at Cranmer Park; 4501 E. 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80220 .
Recreation Camp
Date: June 10th-14th
Time: 9am-11am
Camp Age: 5-18
Cost: $250
Camp Type: The Recreation Day Camp is focused on fun and fundamentals. Camp will be game heavy. A great intro to soccer at any age or for players looking to get touches in. Players will be divided by age when applicable. Competitive players looking for skill/tactical focused camps should look into the following camps. Players need to bring a ball, shinguards, water, and sunscreen.
Freestyle Trick Camp
Date: June 17th-21st
Time: 9am-10:30am
Camp Age: 11-15
Cost: $200
Camp Type: Have a player who goes in the backyard when they get home from practice? The Freestyle Trick camp is for players interested in improving their individual skills through freestyle juggling tricks, feints and increasing juggling count. Individual challenges and prizes are an aspect of this camp. Example: 100 juggles or executing a certain move mid juggle. Players need to bring a ball, water, sunscreen and bug spray.
Girls U12-U15 Intermediate/Competitive Camp
Date: June 24th-28th
Time: 9am-11:00am
Camp Age: 11-17
Cost: $250
Camp Type: This camp for girls who want to train with other girls in a competitive environment. This camp is designed to challenge and inspire young players who are ready to take their game to the next level. Players need to bring a ball, shinguards, water, sunscreen and bug spray.
Competitive Camp
Date: Monday, July 15th-Friday - July 19th
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Camp Age: 11-16
Cost: $250
Camp Type: The competitive camp is for all players looking to do some mid summer improvement and focus on specific areas of improvement; including first touch, second touch, finishing, individual possession and more. .
Players need to bring a ball, shinguards, water, sunscreen and bug spray.
Please send [email protected] and email with what type of camps you would be interested in during these dates.
Callaghan's English Soccer Camps
Callaghan's will be hosting camps Starting July 24- August 18th.
This is the 32nd year of running camps in conjunction with C and C soccer club and my staff and I are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Please click on the link below to register your soccer player asap as space is limited each week.
(If you can forward this email to any friends or teammates of your kids I'd greatly appreciate any help as always!)
Callaghan's English Soccer Camps can be found here!
Cranmer Park 4501 E. 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80220 (All 3 weeks)