Board of Directors & Leadership
The Executive Committee is made up of elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and the appointed Treasurer.
The Board of Directors is made up of the Executive Committee members plus the following elected officers: Recreation Program Director, Competitive Program Director, Adult Program Director, and two Members-At-Large.
The Electorate is made up of: all spring coaches/captains (Adult, Recreational, and Competitive) and current Board Members. Every team coach and every board member will receive one ballot (if a person coaches more than one team he/she will receive a ballot for each team coached to include board members that coach teams).
Annual Meeting is held in May.
Elected Position Descriptions:
President (2 year term, even year vote)
Will need to commit 10 -15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight or presidential duties some of which include: (Note: nominees for President must have served on the Board previously)
- preside at all meetings of the LSA Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting, and other meetings deemed necessary by the president;
- appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors;
- act as chairman of the Board of Directors;
- enforce the rules and regulations of this association;
- be a signatory on all financial accounts;
- co-sign all contracts and documents with the Secretary of the Association;
- head the Scholarship Committee and oversee scholarship approvals;
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.
Vice President (2 year term, odd year vote)
Will need to commit 10 – 15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through task and oversight or vice presidential duties which include:
- succeed to the office of President in the event that office becomes vacant;
- perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the president during his absence or incapacity;
- assist the President in all necessary matters;
- serve as the chairperson of the Appeals and Protest Committee;
- sit on the Scholarship Committee and help with approval of scholarships
- serve as the LSA Risk Management Coordinator
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.
Secretary (2 year term, even year vote)
Will need to commit 5-10 hours weekly in the service to LSA through tasks and oversight of the secretarial duties which include:
- succeed to the office of President in the event that office becomes vacant;
- perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the president during his absence or incapacity;
- assist the President in all necessary matters;
- serve as the chairperson of the Appeals and Protest Committee;
- sit on the Scholarship Committee and help with approval of scholarships
- serve as the LSA Risk Management Coordinator
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.
Recreational Director (2 year term, odd year vote)
Will need to commit 15 – 20 hours weekly during recreational seasons and 5 hours weekly the rest of the year in serve to the soccer association through tasks and oversight of the Recreational Program Director duties which include:
- be in charge of all recreational programs;
- head and participate on the recreation committee;
- execute the program budget as allocated in the LSA budget approved by the Board of Directors;
- provide records of all expenses in support of that budget to the Treasurer;
- conduct all fall and spring recreational soccer registration;
- liaison for referee assignor
- liaison for city
- assign players to teams;
- keep a complete list of all registered players, teams, and coaches (act as registrar)
- assign and approve each coach;
- assign field representation for each game (Field Marshals, Board Representative, etc.);
- sit on the Scholarship Committee;
- provide financial report at annual general meeting of the members
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.
Competitive Director (2 year term, odd year vote)
Will need to commit 10 -15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight or competitive director duties some of which include:
- be in charge of all competitive programs;
- execute the program budget as allocated in the LSA budget approved by the Board of Directors;
- keep records of all debits and expenses that support the budget and provide them in a timely manner to the Treasurer;
- conduct tryouts;
- assign and approve each coach;
- keep a complete list of all registered players, teams, and coaches (act as registrar)
- sit on the Scholarship Committee;
- provide financial report at annual general meeting of the members;
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.
Member at large (2 year term, 2 positions. One voted in odd and one voted in even years)
Will need to commit 5-10 hours weekly in the service to LSA through tasks and oversight of the Member at Large duties which include:
- Be a liaison between the parents and LSA board
- Serve as Nomination Committee Member
- Serve as Equipment and Uniform Coordinators
- Sit on recreation committee
- Serve as part of the Tournament/Camp Committees
- Support soccer program as required
- Perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time may direct
Nominated Position Description
The Treasurer will provide 5-10 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight of the Treasurers duties which include:
- direct the keeping of full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the Association, in accordance with the financial policies of LSA;
- create and report on a monthly basis current financial activity in comparison to the Association’s budget, in accordance with the financial policies of LSA;
- be responsible for adhering to the budget as adopted at the Annual General Meeting, as defined in the LSA Financial Policies and Procedures;
- act as chairman of the Budget Committee;
- liquidate all bills against the organization after the Board of Directors has approved them;
- act as a signatory on all financial accounts;
- provide financial report at the Annual General Meeting;
- oversee the concession stand operations;
- be responsible for adhering to the budget as adopted at the Annual General Meeting, as defined in the LSA Financial Policies and Procedures;
- be responsible for filling taxes to the IRS on a yearly basis;
- perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.