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Board of Directors and Governance


On May 25, 1995 the Leavenworth Soccer Association (LSA) received their Kansas business as a not for profit corporation. Leavenworth City contracted LSA to administer a recreational soccer program to city.  The city's 10th avenue park is a soccer park that has been used by LSA for over a decade.  We've improved the park facilities by adding: the historical trolley building as an administration office; the concession building; the covered pavilion, and the paved pathway loop to the game fields.

The Leavenworth United Soccer Club (LUSC), the competitive club for LSA, played in the largest soccer youth league in the nation, the Heartland League in Kansas City, KS.  In 2002 we played under the name of Leavenworth. According to Heartland archives we transitioned fully to the name of LUSC in our team names by 2007. A full history of all LUSC teams by season - divided by gender, age bracket and including placement in Division if they placed 3rd, 2nd, or 1st is located on the Achievements main page.  

Official Seals


Board of Directors & Leadership: Organizational Structure and Job Descriptions

Board of Directors & Leadership

The Executive Committee is made up of elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and the appointed Treasurer.

The Board of Directors is made up of the Executive Committee members plus the following elected officers: Recreation Program Director, Competitive Program Director, Adult Program Director, and two Members-At-Large. 

The Electorate is made up of: all spring coaches/captains (Adult, Recreational, and Competitive) and current Board Members. Every team coach and every board member will receive one ballot (if a person coaches more than one team he/she will receive a ballot for each team coached to include board members that coach teams). 

Annual Meeting is held in May.

Elected Position Descriptions:

President (2 year term, even year vote)

Will need to commit 10 -15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight or presidential duties some of which include: (Note: nominees for President must have served on the Board previously)

  • preside at all meetings of the LSA Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting, and other meetings deemed necessary by the president;
  • appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors;
  • act as chairman of the Board of Directors;
  • enforce the rules and regulations of this association;
  • be a signatory on all financial accounts;
  • co-sign all contracts and documents with the Secretary of the Association;
  • head the Scholarship Committee and oversee scholarship approvals;
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Vice President (2 year term, odd year vote)

Will need to commit 10 – 15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through task and oversight or vice presidential duties which include:

  • succeed to the office of President in the event that office becomes vacant;
  • perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the president during his absence or incapacity;
  • assist the President in all necessary matters;
  • serve as the chairperson of the Appeals and Protest Committee;
  • sit on the Scholarship Committee and help with approval of scholarships
  • serve as the LSA Risk Management Coordinator
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Secretary (2 year term, even year vote)

Will need to commit 5-10 hours weekly in the service to LSA through tasks and oversight of the secretarial duties which include:

  • succeed to the office of President in the event that office becomes vacant;
  • perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the president during his absence or incapacity;
  • assist the President in all necessary matters;
  • serve as the chairperson of the Appeals and Protest Committee;
  • sit on the Scholarship Committee and help with approval of scholarships
  • serve as the LSA Risk Management Coordinator
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Recreational Director (2 year term, odd year vote)

Will need to commit 15 – 20 hours weekly during recreational seasons and 5 hours weekly the rest of the year in serve to the soccer association through tasks and oversight of the Recreational Program Director duties which include:

  • be in charge of all recreational programs;
  • head and participate on the recreation committee;
  • execute the program budget as allocated in the LSA budget approved by the Board of Directors;
  • provide records of all expenses in support of that budget to the Treasurer;
  • conduct all fall and spring recreational soccer registration;
  • liaison for referee assignor
  • liaison for city
  • assign players to teams;
  • keep a complete list of all registered players, teams, and coaches (act as registrar)
  • assign and approve each coach;
  • assign field representation for each game (Field Marshals, Board Representative, etc.);
  • sit on the Scholarship Committee;
  • provide financial report at annual general meeting of the members
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Competitive Director (2 year term, odd year vote)

Will need to commit 10 -15 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight or competitive director duties some of which include:

  • be in charge of all competitive programs;
  • execute the program budget as allocated in the LSA budget approved by the Board of Directors;
  • keep records of all debits and expenses that support the budget and provide them in a timely manner to the Treasurer;
  • conduct tryouts;
  • assign and approve each coach;
  • keep a complete list of all registered players, teams, and coaches (act as registrar)
  • sit on the Scholarship Committee;
  • provide financial report at annual general meeting of the members;
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.

Member at large (2 year term, 2 positions. One voted in odd and one voted in even years)

Will need to commit 5-10 hours weekly in the service to LSA through tasks and oversight of the Member at Large duties which include:

  • Be a liaison between the parents and LSA board
  • Serve as Nomination Committee Member
  • Serve as Equipment and Uniform Coordinators
  • Sit on recreation committee
  • Serve as part of the Tournament/Camp Committees
  • Support soccer program as required 
  • Perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time may direct

Nominated Position Description


The Treasurer will provide 5-10 hours weekly in service to the soccer association through tasks and oversight of the Treasurers duties which include:

  • direct the keeping of full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the Association, in accordance with the financial policies of LSA;
  • create and report on a monthly basis current financial activity in comparison to the Association’s budget, in accordance with the financial policies of LSA;
  • be responsible for adhering to the budget as adopted at the Annual General Meeting, as defined in the LSA Financial Policies and Procedures;
  • act as chairman of the Budget Committee;
  • liquidate all bills against the organization after the Board of Directors has approved them;
  • act as a signatory on all financial accounts;
  • provide financial report at the Annual General Meeting;
  • oversee the concession stand operations;
  • be responsible for adhering to the budget as adopted at the Annual General Meeting, as defined in the LSA Financial Policies and Procedures;
  • be responsible for filling taxes to the IRS on a yearly basis;
  • perform duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time direct.


3300 14th Street 
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048

Phone: 913-651-3800
Email: [email protected]

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