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Jun, 2020

North Florida Hoop Group IMPORTANT UPDATE on COVID-19


The NFHG wants to assure you that we take the health, safety and well- being of our event participants, attendees, and workers very seriously. As you are aware, there is a heightened awareness related to COVID-19 (the Coronavirus). We are monitoring health organization reports, including updates from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and others. Currently, all events are proceeding as scheduled. We request that teams follow the guidelines set forth below when participating in our events, as a precaution is the best policy. Have each player bring their own source of water. Do not use water fountains or team water bottles. Remind players to cover their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. Sanitize afterward. Remind players to wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer after every game. Remind players to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth. If anyone is showing flu-like symptoms, or if you are uncomfortable having them participate in organized activities, please keep them home. As appropriate, contact your healthcare provider.

Steps the NFHG will take at scheduled events: 

We will sanitize all basketballs between games and at half time. We will direct the facility to throw away all water bottles left in building after games. We will provide hand sanitizer at all stations in all venues. We will monitor national, regional, and local government alerts and information. The NFHG will continue to monitor developments, re-evaluate our policies and systems as circumstances change, and communicate any changes to our teams. Please be assured our focus is on the health and safety of our participants. 

All games live stream by Ballertv
If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]
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