Press Release: Ojai Valley Little League
Date: 1/30/2020
The Oak View/Ojai Valley Little League (OVLL) has called Oak Dell Park in Oak View home, since 1961 (incorporated in 1967). We have successfully served thousands of families, and their families, in the Ojai Valley, who have enjoyed over 50 years of recreational Little League baseball at the “Little League” fields! What started as a sandlot has grown to two fully functional fields with lights, bleachers, snack bar, scoreboards, PA system, everything that makes it a baseball experience! All while under the leadership of Little League International.
In September of last year, the members of the 2019 OVLL Board unilaterally decided to end their association with Little League Baseball. Without membership approval, they changed the name to Ojai Valley Baseball League (OVBL) on September 4, 2019 and on December 1, 2019, they chartered with Pony Baseball. As such, they were in direct violation of their signed charter agreement with Little League International, resulting in Little League International issuing a “cease and desist” order, which required the return of the OVLL bank account (which had a substantial amount of money collected over the years for Little League), baseball and field maintenance equipment, membership (names, addresses, emails of all players and families), website, and keys to the park. The OVBL Board chose to ignore the order and refused to return any of the property or money belonging to OVLL. Since that time, a group of 13 concerned local citizens, many with past or present involvement with OVLL, formed to save Little League in the Ojai Valley! Little League International has recognized this “interim” board and are providing their support, as well as other local Little League organizations within Ventura County.
Regaining Oak Dell Park has been the priority of the 2020 interim OVLL board. These are the same fields all Little Leaguers in the valley have had some of their most memorable experiences and have made life-long friendships! Over the years, the fields have been nurtured and improved by hundreds of Little League volunteers, preserving them for years to come, for future Little League baseball players. We are still awaiting a decision from the County to continue the existing lease (effective until 2022) with OVLL. We have every confidence this will happen in the next few days, therefore, we are opening registration and preparing for the 2020 Ojai Valley Little League Baseball season with opening day ceremonies planned for March. We can do this! We also understand many of you have already registered with OVBL, with the belief they would be playing Ojai Valley Little League at Oak Dell Park. What we are asking is that you also register with OVLL to ensure your child will be playing baseball this year! We will open registration Friday, January 31, 2020 and there will be no charge to play!
This board has chosen to not engage in any public negativity and support those who wish to play in any other baseball charter. Our goal is to continue the over 50-year legacy of Little League Baseball in the Ojai Valley, playing at Oak Dell Park in Oak View! Play Ball!
Online registration begins at 5pm on 1/31/2020 at Please make sure you are on the correct website! Also, we will have a Challenger’s League, please note if you are interested.