Jan, 2025
T-Mobile is a Little League sponsor and for eligible families will cover our leagues registration fees. Click here for more information.
Jan, 2024
In a continued effort to provide parents, volunteers, and league officials with a clear explanation and understanding of the official regulations, playing rules, and operating policies, Little League® has an app. It is free on Apple App Store or Google Play Store
Jan, 2023
To volunteer for us Pennsylvania state law requires both the Child Abuse Clearance and Criminal Clearance. These can be acquired through the following links.
Jan, 2023
So the hands are part of the bat right? Wrong. These and other misunderstood Little League ruless...
Jan, 2020
For most parents, especially dads, teaching the art of pitching a softball seems like one of the dark arts. After years of working with my daughters and many youtubes later, I feel comfortable guiding the beginning pitcher. This video is one of my favorites to get your girl started firing off the rubber.
Jan, 2020
There is no way around it; Little Leaguers® are going to struggle and fail, experience both frustration and stress, and hopefully plenty of elation, too. So how can we help them reduce their fear, and diminish their stress, so they can perform their best?