2024 umpire training notice.pdf
The District 14 Umpire Clinics are four (4) sessions in length. An umpire has to attend all four (4) sessions in order to get credit for the current year. There will be different material presented at each session.
Managers, coaches and league officials are encouraged to attend Sessions one (1) and two (2). The curriculum is structured so that all of the rules discussions are presented in the first two sessions. The managers, coaches and league officials will be able to hear the same interpretations and explanations that are given to the umpires. This helps to eliminate myths and misconceptions.
The clinic sessions are “mirrored” to provide the student the flexibility to attend a missed session. In other words; the same material is presented at Session 2 in Gettysburg on Sunday Feb 11th, that is presented at Session 2 in York on Tuesday March 13th, and at Session 2 in Newville on Wednesday March 14th. The interactive discussions with the attendees may vary, but the material that is presented is always the same.