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Jun, 2020


PA District 14 Little League is excited to announce that we plan to offer a summer Little League season.  We realize that the coronavirus has altered the landscape in many aspects of our daily lives and so to the Little League experience.  We know this outbreak has been stressful for many and recognize that the exercise and participation of youth sports can be a healthy way to cope with stress and reconnect with our communities.

The health and safety of our young athletes and volunteers remain our highest priority and are central to our league’s considerations in the return to youth sports.  Youth sports are recognized as an extremely healthy activity both physically and emotionally for the youth of our community and fortunately the very nature of youth baseball and softball naturally impose social distancing for much of the activity. 

The leadership teams of PA District 14’s local Little League organizations, along with the PA D14 staff, have developed guidelines that enable the responsible safe return to the Little League baseball and softball fields when it is safe to do so.  These guidelines have been developed in accordance with Little League International’s “Best Practices” guidelines, and the CDC’s “Considerations for Youth Sports”. 

Governor Wolf’s recent announcement that Adams, York and Cumberland Counties will be entering the “Green” phase effective June 12th is welcome news to the Little League community in the area.  Of the sixteen (16) leagues in PA D14, thirteen (13) are fully located withing these counties, and we are optimistic that the remaining three (3) leagues in Franklin County will follow shortly.

Each of PA D14’s local league board of directors are currently in process of reviewing the guidance documents, and consulting with their families in making their individual determinations and plans regarding offerings for the 2020 summer season.

While we recognize that the 2020 Little League experience will have a very different flavor, the physical, emotional and social benefits that Little League play provides will greatly benefit our communities as we begin the transition to some semblance of normalcy.  We remain committed to Little League’s mission of “providing a place to play for any player that wants a place to play” while doing so in as safe and responsible a manner as possible.

Looking Forward to seeing everyone on the ball field soon!

Local Sponsors

PA District 14 Little League

Pete Kline PA D14 District Administrator, 368 Greendale Rd
York, Pennsylvania 17403

Phone: 717-887-6373

Email: [email protected]

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