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About our Club

Edgewood Youth Athletic Association is a Non-Profit Organization offering Youth Sports to the Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Youth of the Edgewood ISD Community, San Antonio, Texas. Our primary goals are to provide the youth sports that will lay a sound foundation for their future; to help build character, self-esteem, discipline, accountability, respect for others, and team work; to help lessen the burdens of government, lesson the tension of the Edgewood neighborhood, and combat juvenile delinquency.
We Endeavor our goal by building character through teaching the value of a strong work ethic, commitment to a goal, good sportsmanship, integrity, teamwork, moral excellence and the promotion of winning attitude on and off the field. We feel the benefit of teaching such values will produce resilient young men and women of outstanding moral character with a solid foundation of life-skills with which to grow into quality role models for youth of the future on and off the field.
Our Belief Youth sports offer athletes and teams the opportunity to build their character through the choices they make based on the environment they are in and situations they face on and off the field. A conscious, determined, intentional effort and focus by all those involved to shape one's character through participation in competitive youth sports can become part of the solution.
               "Winning" is the result of,
"Building Character through Participation in Competitive Youth Sports"