Mar, 2023
Ages 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14 year olds
PW High School
Apr, 2022
5-6 yr olds from 6-7pm & 7-10 yr olds from 6:30-8pm
Apr, 2022
Unfortunately we have a change in our practice schedule that is out of our control. We were notified that we no longer have access to the track on Wednesday nights ...
Feb, 2022
Registration will officially open TODAY at 9am
there is no cap on our total numbers, but we will monitor this closely in the coming weeks
We are looking forward to seeing our returning athletes AND all the new athletes joining this year.
May, 2021
Meet #1
We have our first official meet on Sunday, May 2nd
Events: 100m, 400m, 1500m, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put
NEW ARRIVAL TIME: 9:30am -- We have uniform tops and tshirts we want to distribute before the meet (Please wear black shorts)
Track Location: Gwynedd Mercy Academy1345 Sumneytown PikeGwynedd Valley, PA
Apr, 2021
The CEF Mock Meet will be TUESDAY 4/27
Events: 100m, 400m, 1500m, Shot Put
All ages (Including 5-6 yr olds): Please arrive at the track at 6pm, parents will be allowed to enter at 6:30pm
Restrictions: Masks are required for the entire event, even during competition
Parent Volunteers:
Apr, 2021
Warm-ups will be on the field today.
please arrive 10-15 minutes before your time slots for temperature check and sign in
6:30-7:15pm - 7,8,9 & 10 year olds
7:15-8:00pm - 11 & older