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Lawrenceville Youth Baseball & Softball Association

LYA Rec Baseball & Softball

News Detail


Jan, 2024

LYAA Annual Board Members Elections @ RJP Community Center

Official announcement of open annual meeting and elections for the 2024-2025 calendar year.

If you are receiving this message, you had a child registered in a LYAA sport. If your child no longer participates in a LYAA sport, you can opt out of the mass e-mail system from the link at end of this email. LYAA uses your e-mail address for important notifications only. If you have any questions, visit our website: to contact the appropriate person.

This meeting is for the election of Board of Directors for the upcoming 2024-2025 sport seasons and to approve any By-Law changes that have been presented. Updates will be given concerning our Association. Per the LYAA bylaw’s, positions are for two-year terms. Please go to our website to see our rotation schedule.


There is no greater gift than your time. Volunteering is a rewarding endeavor that provides insight and personal enrichment. Benefits include but are not limited to being involved in developing young student athletes and helping them to love the game and grow into responsible young adults. It’s about making connections, gaining experience, and making new friends.


We are looking for great people that are not afraid of hard work or a major commitment. We are looking for people who have a passion for our youth and want to see them prosper. We are looking for responsible adults with a level head and an understanding of how to work with and develop the athletes of our community. We are looking for volunteers who can see the bigger picture and not just their own agendas. We need people who are willing to give of their time, effort, and positive energy! Does this sound like you? If so, we want you on board!

If you would like a description of each board members responsibilities and duties, please read the LYAA By-Laws located on our website:

To be on the ballot for elections at this year’s annual meeting, all requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected] by 12:00pm Sunday, November 25th, 2023.


To be nominated for an Executive Board or a Director of Sport position you would have to have held a Head Coach position for the current year. If you have not, then the nominating committee will do a formal interview to request experience and goals.

We will not take any floor nominations for the 2024-2025 elections. However, if a position remains open and no one was nominated during the open nominations period, we will invite you to the January 2024 meeting and hold a vote amongst the voting board (Directors of sport, Assistant directors, and the Executive Board).

Contact Us

Lawrenceville Youth Association Baseball

PO Box 746, PO Box
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046

Phone: 678-933-5910
Email: [email protected]

Lawrenceville Youth Association Baseball

PO Box 746, PO Box
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046

Phone: 678-933-5910
Email: [email protected]
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