We hope you are doing well and that you and yours are staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times.
We apologize for the delay in updating you all about the future of the season. We have been consistently monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the guidance from local, State, and Federal authorities concerning precautions and safety related thereto. Given the continuing ambiguity of this pandemic and its duration, we have regretfully decided to cancel the current season. The health and safety of our players, coaches, and their families is our first priority and, while we would love nothing more than to play softball this season, we know this is the right decision for all parties.
We have had several inquiries as to the refund process and whether registration fees can be donated to support the league during this time. We truly appreciate your generosity and continued support. Based on these inquiries, we have decided to offer different refund options. Please complete the private form (located at the link provided via email) by providing your name, email address, and mailing address, and select whether you would like to receive:
- a full refund of your registration fee;
- a donation of half of your registration fee to GSAF and a refund of the remainder;
- a donation of $50 to GSAF and a refund of the remainder of your registration fee;
- a donation of $25 to GSAF refund of the remainder of your registration fee; or
- a donation of your entire registration fee to GSAF
Responses are private and will be known only to the GSAF Board. Any amount that you decide to donate will go directly to GSAF for league operations and field and equipment improvements.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. Our thoughts are with you and your families.
As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions.
GSAF Board