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SSA Cobb Recreational Soccer-Mud Creek

SSA Cobb Recreational Soccer-Mud Creek

News Detail


Mar, 2020

SSA Club News

Dear SSA Members,

I wanted to update you on the current situation with respect to the Coronavirus outbreak and how it is impacting our programs, as well as what steps we as a club are taking in response. Over the past couple of days, we have been disseminating information provided to us by the governing bodies for soccer, as well as general publicly-available guidance from city, county, state, and federal agencies, including the CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health.

At the moment, the CDC is stating that the immediate risk of exposure is thought to be low, so the guidance that we have been provided with, and wanted to reinforce, is that all our members should follow these recommendations:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (at least 30 seconds).
Avoid touching your mouth, eyes or nose with your hands.

Use alcohol-based sanitizers in addition to frequent hand-washing. Carry small bottles of alcoholic disinfectant to use when hand-washing facilities are unavailable.

To reduce person-to-person contact, forgo handshakes and high fives.

Do not share water bottles.

If an athlete, coach or staff member has symptoms such as coughing, fever or general malaise, they should contact their physician, should NOT attend practice and should consider self-isolation until evaluated by medical personnel.  

In addition to this, we are communicating with our City and County partners to work on enhanced preventative measures, including additional cleaning at our venues, as a means to reduce the risk of infection. 

It’s evident that this is an evolving situation though, so we have prepared plans for additional measures that we can implement, if appropriate, as and when we receive further information and guidance from our soccer governing bodies and from the various city, county, state, and federal agencies.  As the environment changes, we will also continue to update you with more information.


Sean Chamberlain

SSA Operations Manager

[email protected]


Southern Soccer Academy
40 Whitlock Place SW, Suite 200
Marietta, Georgia 30064

Phone: 678-594-5041
Email: [email protected]

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