Website Manager

Kings Soccer Club

Board Members


Chris Hoff
[email protected]

District Representative

Deb Cowan
[email protected]


Eric Townsend
[email protected]

Registration Coordinator

Andy Cebulskie
[email protected]

Vice President/Score Keeper

Mike Carrelli
[email protected]

Coaching Coordinator
Jarod Dennis
[email protected]

Scheduling Coordinator

6U and 8U:

Joe Seymour
[email protected]

10U and up:

Deb Cowan
[email protected]

Referee Coordinator

Deb Cowan
[email protected]

Training Coordinator

Chrissy Toennis

Uniform Coordinator

Kirk Knollman

Picture Coordinator

Stephanie Mitchell-Gould
[email protected]

Equipment Coordinator

Will Reynolds
[email protected]

Team Formation Coordinator

Chris Hoff
[email protected] 
Stephanie Gould
[email protected]

SAY North Tournament Coordinator

Deb Cowan
[email protected]

Passers Tournament Coordinator

Joe Seymour
[email protected]

Field Coordinator

Chris Kamps
[email protected]

Sponsorship Coordinator

Kirk Knollman

Referee Clinic

Deb Cowan
[email protected]

These board members work together with input from parents, coaches, players, local business owners, local government and other entities to bring the highest possible level of quality youth soccer to our area.  Through their commitment and diligence, the Kings Soccer Club continues to be an environment of positive growth for our children and a profound benefit to our community.

Please remember that these Board Members are volunteers that have invested a great amount of time in building and maintaining one of the premier community soccer clubs in the area.  They are deserving of our respect and should be recognized and congratulated for their outstanding contributions.